It’s said that the best predictor of future behavior.
Is what someone did in the past.
But you would think there may be incidents
That would not make a negative behavior pattern last.
Like trauma – that may be an alarm to the spine.
So they will no longer feel inclined to stay on the same path.
And instead learn that it was time to part ways
With what for them was a main-stay.
But already Republicans are back to their everything-goes politics.
Never mind the recent happenings.
Although for many, the trauma is raw still.
Dehumanizing Democrats, ripening them to be attacked.
And people still believe in stop-the-steal.
Silence, and subsequent behaviors of Republican Lawmakers
Make the lie more real.
Republicans still lathering through, though they know
The stench of White Supremacy and anti-Semitic lie within.
Half a million Americans expected to be the death toll
By the end of the month.
Yet Mitch and Republicans still think to obstruct.
Build political walls and make power grabs.
Still aiming at Democrats.
Defying the People’s will.
Keeping progress limited and at a standstill.
Many chances to stop each wrecking ball –
Not taken by the Republicans.
Not debunking the many lies –
That likely would have saved so many lives.
Opportunities for Unity – dismissed.
No desire to coexist.
Times to reach over the political aisle –
No interest.
Now Democrats trying to speed Covid relief.
Ten Republicans decide to do an outreach.
Is it an effort in good faith, or one to delay?
While some are still trying to process the trauma
That just doing their duty could prove deadly.
Republicans show no empathy – Move on already.
And when they should embrace progress and move forward.
They hold back, to reminisce.
A long list of Republican misconduct and mischief.
Humanity no longer fits.
The Tin Man showed more heart than this.
America has been on a rocky road.
Some have chipped away at her solid goals,
Her violent free politics and democracy.
Promoting authoritarian with Christian ideology
And that of White Supremacy.
For some though, there’s been so much despair.
That their will to live is no longer there.
And for others it’s been a bitter pill to swallow.
When what was linked to their core turned out to be so narrow and shallow.
Some have lost faith in America’s institutions.
Not just government, but religious.
Hopefully there is still hope for good and goodness.
That there is still belief in the power of prayer.
That a Being larger than US still care.
And that genuine care will win and reign in the end.