When We Choose to Exclude

When we implement based on limited point of view –
Then our outcome will often lead to exclude.
We set it up for someone to lose.
Should it really be the Government’s role to promote a particular religion?
Or to ensure religious freedom?
Free trade and free market –
Advantageous only to those who can afford it?
Isn’t the Government there to equalize the share?
Take care of those lower on the tier?
At least to provide for some basic needs
That we require to keep our sanity and upkeep humanity.
To provide opportunity.
To care for everyone’s health.
Or do we truly feel that services are only for those who accumulate wealth?
Shelter, food, work opportunities.
To have families live in safety.
Live life with some sort of dignity.
Even if that is socialist.
Wouldn’t we want to be signed in?
Because if we want it for ourselves?
Why should it not be available for everyone else?

The systemic changes that are needed
To make the playing field more even –
Are what many still reject.
Yet they profess to be champions for the poor.
Maybe only through handouts, nothing more.
Wanting to keep their fingers on the pulse
And the ability to control the results.
When it comes to making true or systemic change.
They step in and try to delay.
Even those who say they live by Jesus
Stay believing and give reasons
Why government should not be involved
And make attempts for MEANINGFUL resolve.
Like on highways, when they put exclusive lanes.
To make use of those, you have to pay.
Sometimes taxpayers would have already paid for usage
To pay again is quite a nuisance.
The visual speaks – a few get to ride.
While there is a pile-up on the other side.
Those who can pay the fees, enjoy the ease.
If you have less, you must endure the stress.
But if the aim was to reduce the traffic
Why shouldn’t all receive the benefit?
If all had access to all of the lanes
All will get by at a more even pace.

Policies of exclusivity, leave some out entirely.
And if you’re on the receiving end
It’s easy to dismiss those who get less.
But it’s common sense –
The more we do and build for the community
The better all our lives will be.
Life isn’t fair and can result in uneven shares.
And when government kicks in
It should be for the Country’s benefits –
For less poor and a robust middle class.
So why is there always such resistance?