Can Democrats trust Republicans?
When in the past they didn’t do what they said they would have done?
They haven’t been true to their word.
They often do what they could to undermine the Democrats.
Which has led to the Country’s collapse.
It’s often with ill-will that they act.
Never retracting.
Now they want Democrats to do the right thing for bipartisan.
But bipartisan may not be what the Country needs.
There is dire need for a big Covid relief.
Republicans are still not interested to give to Main Street.
Suddenly they’ve remembered conservative –
For less spending and controlling the deficit.
Which they seemed to have dismissed when Trump was in office.
Critics say that the Democrats are not being fair.
Where were they when the Republicans were there?
Democrats would be in a better place to abate and negotiate.
If when Republicans were in the lead, they did their duty
And intervened to properly govern the Country.
The Country would not be in such a crisis state.
It’s because of them,
Democrats have to go this way and show political courage
That will meet with the moral standard and actions
That the present circumstance demands.
As they keep in mind their attention should be
To help the people of this Nation.
That’s the type of dilemma and moral choose.
Lawmakers and politicians should have to do.
Not the crazy ones
Which have become signature Republican.
They are now in a fight for which master to pick.
While the Country is going down-hill.
Talk about Government not working!
When will people see that the lack of governing
Has been with the Republicans?
While they too breathe hate against government.
What a combination!
Hopefully the people will stop attacking
The hands that are trying to feed them.
Reject the sins and distractions of the Republicans.
Be open to the attempts of the Biden Administration.
Be on board with Biden and his team.
To “Build Back Better” for the Country.