The Covid-19 Life

When you can – Stay at home, avoid the crowds.
Limit the times you’re out and about.
When outside your home-circle you must be,
Follow the guidelines of the CDC.
When you wear a mask- Pay attention, be Present.
Make sure your nose is not exposed.
Keep your mask in place.
Keep your hands from your face.
As soon as you can wash your hands
At least 20 seconds with soap.
Until then, sanitize with gel or wipes
Of which you should properly dispose.
Clean what you touch frequently.
Keep physically distant, at least six feet.
And when you cough or sneeze,
Do it in your sleeve.
These are necessary sacrifices that all have to make.
It’s the only way to keep the virus contained.
If we hope to get back some normalcy.
If we want the life as it used to be.
At times you will struggle, wondering when this will end.
Find something to do, distract yourself, Call a friend.
Learn a new skill, maybe read.
Count your blessings, do a good deed.
Keep the faith, don’t give up hope.
Do exercise, maybe jump-rope.
If you have a God, don’t forget to pray.
You will get the strength and patience to live through each day.