Republicans are so into deceive and upheaval.
They have Democrats continually spinning their wheels.
Democrats are trying to govern and develop policy.
While preserving government integrity.
And protecting America’s democracy.
Facing danger in the workplace.
Trying to keep saboteurs at bay.
People attacking, so they will lose
Because of who they choose and will to help.
Those not of riches and wealth.
Handling so many barriers.
Wanting to stay above board and to standard.
Striving to serve proper meals.
Not just dish out make-believe, feel and perceive.
Desert tactics that just bring fear and despair.
While aiming for more just and fair.
Many make excuses for the Republican abuses.
Saying – all politicians are corrupt and lie.
So if Republicans are doing it, so is the other side.
Ignoring the scope of their wrong doings.
Buying in to what they are stewing.
But Republicans are only there to stir the pot.
Not contribute or to provide ingredients.
Only to criticize and look.
No intent to contribute and cook.
And they make so many twists and turns
Baking themselves into pretzels.
Know, that’s not ketchup in their mustard mix.
It’s the blood of American citizens.
And their fellowmen, still willingly eat.
Some ignoring, others enjoying the bloody taste in their feast.
Catering to their most vicious others.
No second thoughts or hesitation.
Willing to deliver the heads their subscribers want dead.
In an all-out hunt to give their patrons what they want.
So many show appetite and thirst
For what would make some Americans and America’s situation worse.
Not into healthy choices.
Ignoring the voices of experts.
Lured to fad even when they’re bad.
Quick fixes and tricks – For those they are all in.
No longer is there variety in their menu.
They’ve tapered their items to a few,
Yet people still frequent, based on memories.
So despite the bad taste in their mouth, they chew.
Swallowing the Flavor-aid.
Not acknowledging that it’s toxin-laced.
Despite no provision of sustenance or substance
The patrons stick to custom.
Day after day, they are fed and eat the same crap.
Because it’s a quick and easy grab.
And the establishment advertises for payment of less tax.
Patrons no longer think beyond what they are served.
Their energies preserved.
Displayed propaganda so cheap –
They over-consume, over-eat.
Until they’re in a cult-like trance for sleep.
They convince themselves – that’s the feel of satisfaction.
When in real – it’s a lead to self-destruction.
The establishment uses deceptions
And distractions to control inspectors.
Who then ignore, when they ignore regulatory measures.
Others are bribed to turn a blind eye to the filth and grime.
Lying to the public time after time.
Some patrons know, but they still choose to dine.
And there are those who recognize a decline,
But they convince themselves that all is fine.
Once there are patrons frequenting these establishments.
And there are no consequence or fines
For their deceptions and fake embellishments.
They will continue to survive and be an integral part of all our lives.
But keeping them, diminishes our worth and that of our neighborhoods.
So until people expect and demand more.
They will continue to ingest this processed and sub-standard course.