A man knelt in front of the flag as an objection to social injustice – Desecration.
Changing the flag to put the face of a Man
Who showed no respect for democracy or the Constitution.
And using the flag to beat on law enforcement – Patriots.
Even with the 2020 campaign
The American flag did not remain the same.
Often altered to include his name.
That reflected a vision of how they think it should be.
For him to stay as the leader of the Country.
Of course to accomplish that –
America had to loosen on democracy.
During the insurgency, it was clear why they were there.
USA was not at the tip of their tongue.
It was for the business of Trump.
A man, who by all accounts – displayed dereliction of duty.
A leader – short on empathy, full on cruelty.
His actions and lack of action have led to so many deaths.
And yet many still deem him fit to be President.
Contrast that with the man who did not stand for the National Anthem.
To bring light to racial inequality –
He was not good enough for the NFL.
Even though the cause for which he did not stand, was worthy.
Contrast that with Twitter permanently denying Trump an account.
Deeming his words and phrases too dangerous.
Yet the Senate set him free to pursue another shot at the Presidency.
How low the bar has gone for Republican political
And presidential representation.
Once you can breathe, speak, and have “R” after your name.
Republican voters willingly accept, no matter your game.
Trump’s allegiance has been to the army for his advancement.
He does not side with America or America’s law enforcement.
Many Republicans now accept violence as a necessary evil.
Yet they claim they are for order and what’s legal.
But when they don’t get what they want.
They deem it’s okay to take it by force.
They do an all-out pursuit for authoritarian.
Although their battle-cry has been for personal freedoms.
There is validation even with their contradictions.
They went to the Capitol with entitlement and justification.
Appalled when they were stopped.
A woman even yelled – “This is not America. They are shooting at us.
They are supposed to shoot BLM, but they’re shooting the patriots.”
To the insurgents – “You’re very special”, “We love you”, “Great patriots”.
And to BLM – “terrorists”, “anarchists”, “thugs”.
When BLM protestors appear,
Law enforcement’s choice has been for full gear.
There was no concern how it would look on June 1st 2020.
When BLM walked the streets of Washington D.C.
No hesitance to use police and military force.
Even while the protest was peaceful.
Making 289 arrests that day.
As the leader modeled for State Governors
And gave a message – “You have to dominate”.
Contrast to January 6th 2021.
When MAGA supporters stormed the Capitol.
Even in the face of violence and destruction.
No heavy presence of security, military or other law enforcements.
That day, 49 arrests were confirmed.
That “optic” raised no concern.
So on the side of the right-wing and white
Even with prior intelligence showing potential for violence –
Law enforcement was underprepared and overwhelmed.
The stark differences in mind-set, response and end results.
Painting the picture of two different
criminal justice systems Americans face.
Which many refuse to acknowledge,
And instead downplay and explain away.
No, Trump did not create the hate.
But in his leadership he accelerated and instigated.
Although further light was brought to the injustices and the inequalities.
Trump has been a proponent and promoter of –
This is how it should be.
He did not lead to combat the wrongs.
Or to find solutions.
Instead, he became part of the problem.
And now it’s not just his go.
There is a Party and millions of people backing his show.
So even with the so called reckoning and enlightenment
They are trying to reduce the speed of real progression.
Actually attempting to bring imbalance to many scales.
Including that of politics and with voting
To disadvantage people who are black and brown.
Not even hiding that these are who they want to bring down.
Targeting the vulnerable and poor.
Always on the hunt for more.
Ensuring their best for political scores.
As they aim for wins in 2022 and 2024.
That actually has been the real steal –
The creation and maintenance of unequal fields.
Instead of working to reduce the gaps,
They are openly perpetuated by some of the higher ups.
People who hold legitimate positions in government
Are adding to the attacks, division and the suffering.
Why can’t people see where America is heading?
As fellow Americans stand back and stand by –
Where on earth is the outcry?
It’s not as some claim
That it’s out of hate
When stating that Trump should pay for all of his wrong doings.
Justice and fairness is worth pursuing.
No one should be able to do all the harm he has done
And just be given a pass to move on.
No one should be placed above the law.
And it’s short-sighted to open those doors.
It’s healthy for a society to have a justice system that can work
For the rich and powerful to the poor and vulnerable.
Leaders need to understand and acknowledge the power of their power.
And they should have enough morals to not be devoured by it.
Honor that they are hired as Captains and that they do not own the ship.
While Citizens’ desires and demands for equality and justice
Should not be tagged as crime.
How much more time will it take for these basics to be realized?
And when progress is made, for it to be solidified?
We keep slipping back to same.
And for that the Nation should be ashamed.
That is the optic the World sees –
America’s blatant display of human rights abuse and hypocrisy.