We’re Paying for this

Trump from the start didn’t go with the truth.
He knew that Covid was more contagious and dangerous than the flu.
Yet he didn’t use the information to protect the Nation.
He ignored the science and the guidelines.
If the pandemic was properly addressed.
The debt and death to Americans would have been less.
Taxpayers’ money going to waste.
Government no longer for save or safe.

The Trump Administration had intelligence information.
That Russia was actively targeting America’s election.
Yet, Trump officials went on record
Identifying China as the biggest threat.
What was their motive with that off-set?
Knowing very well, but holding back the true tell.
Trump and his goons easily duped.
Becoming Russian puppets, pawns and fools.
Russia didn’t try to attack America’s voting systems.
They went for the minds of Republican leaders
And their constituents who hate a democratic America
And some Americans so much.
They welcome or ignore the Russian intrusion.
So despite knowing, the American Government had chosen
to spread disinformation.
Supporting lies and trying to smear the name of Biden.
American government doing Putin’s bidding.
Democracy losing its footing.
Taxpayers’ money going to waste.
Government integrity finished.

Lawsuit after lawsuit to overturn the election results.
One that we’ve been told was the most secure.
Recount after recount – all didn’t seem enough.
Though no rigging or additional numbers for Trump showed up.
A waste of time, money and resource.
Yet, no turn of direction or course.
As Republican lawmakers and politicians
Continue to fuel insurgents with big lies.
Obvious that there are Republicans on the insurgents’ side.
Causing security to fortress the Capitol to protect the leaders.
Instead of going full speed ahead
And meaningfully confront the threats.
They’ve become a more solidified part of it.
They would rather lawmakers chance death or be eliminated.
It’s a shame, Democrats and other lives are no longer sacred.
Any price, even lives.
For a Republican say and a Republican win.
For them, there is no limit.
But the dimes and the lives they so willingly sacrifice
Are not theirs to give.
And their stance continues to be combative.
It’s their war and never mind the casualties.
They were never for preventative,
Stockpiling vaccines or PPE’s.
They’re trophies seem to be the mounting bodies.
Taxpayers funding and supporting domestic terrorist groups.
Wouldn’t you prefer for your money to go to public clinics and schools?
To focus on bills like that would raise the minimum wage to $15.00?
Adding services and training for blue collar?
Government that does the people’s business.
Not expand the advancement of home grown terrorists.
Nor advance the ideology and deeds of White Supremacists.
Taxpayers’ money going to waste.
Government corruption growing at a remarkable pace.

Republicans again, going to culture wars.
Attacking Biden’s Neanderthal comment.
Twisting what he meant.
Talking about Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head.
Still content to just attack and oppose.
Ensuring there is no bipartisan.
Ignoring what Americans say they want in the polls.
Republicans not aligning with what they previously agreed.
Because they are not at the helm for the Senate or the Presidency.
And as Biden and the Democrats are trying
To move forward for the Nation’s recovery
Republicans are still engaging in sabotage and skullduggery.
Opposing bills, blocking nominations, delaying.
Close to 11 hours – 628 pages of reading.
Taxpayers’ money going to waste.
Government productivity greatly diminished.

Not dealing with the social injustice.
Blacks disproportionately being killed
By those who are there to protect and serve.
Which some think none-whites don’t deserve.
No meaningful steps to correct.
But settling to the victims’ families with monetary payment.
Law enforcement killing citizens with no consequence to them.
Tax-payers dollars given –
But the families would likely have their loved ones instead.
And not have to sue the government for their death.
Taxpayers’ money going to waste.
Government no longer acting with good faith.

Bigotry, racist and hateful rhetoric from political representatives.
Not acknowledging that their words have power.
And how they are being interpreted and devoured.
That Trump’s attempt to distract by re-labeling the virus
Have put targets on the backs of Asian Americans.
Hate crimes against them have risen 150% since 2020.
Republicans not bending, but doubling down.
As if they are there only for some, not for all.
Aren’t people tired of this meddling?
Divisive and anti-democratic Republican politics?
Isn’t it time for servicing and governing?
Even those Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.
Seem to be in line with this new design of Republican.
Taxpayers’ money going to waste.
Government for the people erased.

Allowing public servants and other citizens to draw blood.
Taxpayers funding the clean-up.
We’re all paying a price.
No longer one Nation standing together with pride.
The sweat, tears and sacrifices we make when we work.
Used against, not for America’s growth.
The blood being shed –
While government and many Americans turn their heads.
Some have or will pay with a physical kill.
Or that of their spirits and will.
People complain that government doesn’t work for them.
Yet they continue to vote Republican.
Who have been going against what’s needed by the majority of Americans.
And it’s not just what they fail to do.
It’s what they promote and shackle themselves to.
And when Democrats try to help.
They get blasted and plastered as people swallow the lies they are fed.
Republicans keep doing different to what they say.
And voters keep voting for what they say they dismay.
Our tax dollars at work and not doing US any good.
But with so many Americans’ blessings
There will be no motivation for changes.
Taxpayers’ money will still go to waste.
Government effectiveness will continually be erased.