Republicans’ Trajectory of Free

Republicans’ mantra has been for Capitalism and personal freedom.
It seems this holds only when you side with them and are in agreement.
Big money politics – Republicans all in.
At least when they are benefiting.
But when companies choose against Republican likes.
That now leads to threats and fights.
In Georgia, Major League Baseball decided to withdraw.
In protest of the Republican legislature’s restrictive voting laws.
Republicans moved to silence them and minimize their influence.
When Dr. Seuss decided to ditch six books.
Concerned about insensitive and possible racists words.
Free market and free enterprise.
Companies doing as they see fit or wise.
They are opportunists, not foolish.
Adjusting to the views of consumers in 2021 –
That influenced their decisions.
Yet Republicans change the narrative.
Claim that liberals and the Left are to blame.
Republican leaders shout “cancel culture”.
As they have nothing else to offer.
That is their battle cry now.
With no intent for any kind of resolve.
So they fiddle and play with people’s temperament.
That’s the only way they know to keep themselves relevant.

McConnell responded by warning big business to stay out of politics.
When all along, it’s been to these corporations that Republicans sold out.
And Republicans have deliberately blurred the lines
between politics and other aspects of our lives.
Yes, in some ways they always entwine.
But Republicans spotlight beyond how it needs to be.
So they can control how people perceive and what they are drawn to see.
Intensifying culture wars.
Creating division and forced choice.
They have been the ones canceling.
Then accusing the Left of such doings.

Some entities want to give incentives for people to get vaccinated.
Republicans swoop in to sabotage it.
Through executive order DeSantis of Florida objects.
Not allowing businesses to put into effect what they think is best.
Just like when businesses decided to follow the CDC guidelines.
In an attempt to stop the spread of the virus.
DeSantis refused to implement a mask mandate.
Denying businesses the ability to put in place
What they believe will keep their employees and customers safe.

Republicans once defended big corporations’ involvement in politics.
They supported for them to give as they wish.
But now when it comes to them having a voice.
McConnell says there should not be a choice.
Give – that they must, but ignore the potential cost to the companies.
Working against what they choose for their customers and employees.
Never mind if there is a taint to their brand name.
As long as it is not the Republicans that they stand against.
It may not be ethics or conscience behind the company’s decision.
But in a democracy, businesses shouldn’t be driven by the government.
Ordinarily, Republicans despise government involvement.
But now, it’s only when it suits them.
The government’s role is to protect the consumer.
Not dictate as one of their investors.

But Republicans have become the case of a government that intervenes and dictates.
Even when they actually place more people in harm’s way.
Denying companies their goal – Reducing their say and control.
But when it came to donations,
Republicans say – treat businesses like individuals.
So they can donate how and to who they want.
Greatly supported as they tend to give mostly to Republicans.
But now that big businesses express what they think
To stand with what is most profitable for their business.
Republicans protest – forget free to select and the course of free market.
From that ideology, they seem to have departed.

With Republicans, it hasn’t just been with corporate.
It’s across the board that they operate this way.
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina wasn’t shy to say -:
“If you’re a young, African American or an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this state, you just need to be conservative, not liberal.”
Yes, he said that part out loud.
That’s the Republican idea of making America great.
One party, one culture, one faith.
One way to think – their politics, their ideology.
Stick with them and you can be “free.”

When you look and see different, to them you’re insignificant.
Even when Republicans are obviously hurtful or offensive.
It’s as if they will people to have their common sense suspended.
To deny, while they promote for their First Amendment Rights.
And the harm that they do are in plain sight.
When Republicans are asked to show respect, discipline or restraint.
They accuse their requestors of repressing, suppressing or canceling.
Yet they are the ones stripping people of their power to vote.
They are the ones who engage in cutthroat.
That is what many families and their children now inhale.
When they are exposed to Right-Wing media every day.
If that’s how Republicans now perceive free.
And it seems to be a new feel, which can be addicting.
If this is going to be Society’s definition.
Then we are going in the wrong direction.

As Trump and Republicans continue to dish.
Hopefully their followers don’t get their wish of a one Party rule.
And staying positive that they will realize soon –
The morality and values they claim to seek, thrive best in a democracy.
And wanting to fly solo is against what they know to be true for politics.
That stirring anger, fear and divisiveness should not be politicians’
go-to strategy for convince.
That streamline of all power to one source is a dangerous course.
Because if that power is abused, citizens are at the risk of being used.
This happened in Cuba and Venezuela.
Yet many of these exiles are for Trump’s movement.
A change to rhetoric and of definitions.
That has America in transition for a different social and political landscape.
Which once molded, will be a difficult place from which to escape.

We keep seeing their trajectory.
Republicans claim you’re free, once it’s with them that you agree.
Unfortunately voters on the Republican side
Don’t see a downside and they follow in stride.
As Republicans continue to be reinforced.
They will be emboldened to stay with this course.