Americans still deny that Trump and many Republicans are or act like racists.
That racism exist in the highest levels of the American Government or throughout America’s systems.
Yet in their culture war politics the GOP doesn’t hesitate to use race as bait.
And it’s obvious that the Alt-Right is now an established part of their base.
Imagine a U.S. President raising millions from a bogus election steal.
Using trickery to get people’s money.
What many thought would be a one-time donate
Was for repeat and drain to some donors’ accounts.
Even those who didn’t have much.
Some, their savings gone.
While Trump and the Republicans move on.
America was known for Human Rights and democracy.
The Republican Party once touted morality and integrity.
That no longer seems to be the plan.
Those for a Russian style government appear to be getting the upper-hand.
Osama Bin Laden was killed, but his mission still lives –
To use extremists and terrorists to do his bidding.
To attack the West for its democratic ideology.
Now that baton has passed to the GOP and Trump.
They are not letting up.
As they recruit domestic terrorists for battle.
Ready to kill, destroy and dismantle.
Even if it means themselves being killed.
How is that different from the Muslim extremists?
It’s not hard to see that the GOP and Trump do not come in peace.
Yet so many still follow their lead.
Americans are being led to a society like Russia or the Middle East.
The likes of their leaders are being released into America’s mainstream.
Less humanitarian, more unrests, corruption in government.
Political opponents, now enemies.
Violence against government entities.
Vigilante roaming the streets – their driving force often based on lies
and conspiracy theories.
A willingness to overthrow a fair and free election.
Republican run States are now moving to solidify that direction.
Misinformation from lawmakers and heavily watched news outlets
lead citizens to behaviors of crimes and offence.
A Florida family made a miracle mineral solution –
A toxic bleach concoction, to “cure” Covid-19 and other disease.
Making just over a million, with thousands of bottles sold.
They followed what Trump told.
But now they are being charged for doing illegal.
Their lives are in upheaval.
A Miami Herald report indicates close to 800 deaths
and more than 5,000 hospitalizations from their bleach ingest.
Tucker Carlson encouraged those who view –
If you see a child wearing a mask, call it in as abuse.
But that could overwhelm law enforcement
And lead to a false report.
Yet people ingest this nonsense and from where they come, there is a lot more.
A private Miami school bans teachers who are vaccinated.
Misinformation drives this calculation.
What will our children learn when the educator’s
information is cause for concern?
It’s said that Russian bots pick up this kind of stuff.
Feeding back to America’s population.
Sowing more paranoia, anxiety, anger and division.
Words and statements delivered with precision.
Attacks to America from foreign and domestic.
Minimized to inconsequential, when in fact it’s been aggressive.
America, light on purpose and production.
Prolific on instability and self-mutilation.
Americans once deemed that radical and extreme were not their cup of tea.
Then along came the Tea Party.
Fathom now, it’s the Tea Party types that are moderates on the Right.
The likes of the KKK and QAnon – how extreme can it be?
Some are lawmakers and in high ranking positions already.
Politicians and those who enforce the law affiliating with identified domestic threats.
Terrorists in plain sight as they cause distress and oppress.
People on so many levels steering and being steered wrong.
Many Americans continue as if all of this is normal.
And are content to just move along.
Fueled by the ordinary, the threads may seem thin.
But don’t underestimate this position America is now in.
Republicans are willing to burn America to the ground.
Even though she didn’t need such a demolition.
Ironically that seems to be just what their Party needs.
To end their cycle of evil deeds.
But it’s often harder to see what is under your nose.
It’s easier to criticize and throw stones.
They are lazy and avoid the hard work.
Looking for quick fixes, gratification that is immediate and at what is for short term.
We’re headed down a road from which it would be arduous task to back-track.
America will implode.
If we don’t get these extremes to stand down and move back.