You’re (Not) As Free As You Think

You cry out for Freedom to say what you want.
Even when it’s divisive or just plain wrong.
You demand freedom to own and carry a gun.
No restrictions wanted – even though many lives are undone.
To not wear a mask despite a pandemic.
Go back to school and work as thousands are getting infected.
You deny the science, doctors and experts
to follow what is said by a self-described pervert.
So when you get sick or there’s possibility of death,
why do you go for a hospital bed?
Why is it when things seem to get bleak
It’s the experts then that you seek?
What about the unmasked one?
It’s to him you should have gone.
He said he was President Fix-It.
And it’s been your choice to believe him.
Your recklessness puts others in danger
Including those who would risk their lives to save you.
Open your eyes to see what’s around you.
Give an ear to another point of view.
By limiting yourself you limit your freedoms too.
As you get stuck with one idea, one cause and one way through.
At times we hold the steering wheel for a destination,
But then we allow for another’s appeal to guide our decisions,
avoiding the routes paved with common sense and reasoning.
It’s a God-given gift that we are able to think.
Don’t give in to someone who, would have you ignore or bury the truth.
Never give anyone that power.
Not mother, father, bestie or lover.
As you keep demanding your freedoms with such indifference.
Even when it’s not in the Nation’s best interest.
Be aware that you restrict yourself to be one-sided.
And allow yourself to be misguided.
You did a great give-in without realizing
that while you’re fighting for those other freedoms,
your freedom to reason and think –
Those freedoms, you’ve been relinquishing.