As Democrats attempt to pass the Covid Relief and Infrastructure bills.
Republicans are trying to show Democrats as negative –
With ‘big government”, “government spending” and “socialists.”
But to their constituents, some Republicans promoted the Covid package as positive.
Took credit for some of its benefits.
Though not one Republican voted for it.
Only Republicans can demonize government gives
to those who lost so much in the pandemic.
Yet during Trump and the Republican rule,
the rich received tax cuts to give them a boost.
And some even thrived as Covid-19 devastated many.
The thought of the lower tiers now getting more, is more than some could bear.
Trying to portray Biden and his team as a nightmare.
When surveyed, many Americans tend to say they want
increased services or some kind of improvement.
Yet they demean government and say no to taxes.
No matter their finances.
How can there be advancement if there is no way to pay?
There is no fairy godmother coming to save the day.
And Republicans often back that think.
That paying taxes is an all-out negative.
When it’s a reasonable solution for a collective gain.
Texan Republican Representative Brady claimed -:
“We shouldn’t be funding infrastructure on the back of American workers”.
Republicans resisting Warren’s wealth tax proposal.
Taxing two cents to the dollar.
For those having over a fifty million net worth.
This can be a substantial step for an economic turn.
Brady is right to say that increasing corporate tax
can lead to increased prices and less in services.
But what America has, hasn’t been working.
It’s so disingenuous when companies move
to have every expense trickle down to those who consume.
But when their profits are great, make no mistake.
There is no easy route to the employees’ or consumers’ way.
And Republicans never want to regulate
so these companies continue to have so much leeway.
This resistance to have rules for businesses
and lowering tax to the rich.
Also come from middle and lower class citizens.
Based on a dream that one they it will be their reality.
In the meantime some are living at the seams and risk sinking into poverty.
The way to help the lower and middle class is to provide jobs and services.
As Democrats go for affirmative, Republicans pursue to upset.
Use buzz words like – increased tax, deficit and debt.
Tim Scott made a big deal –
Stating that top tier salaries haven’t increased at the middle class pace.
He’s being deceptive, as it’s mostly the case that their big share
often comes from bonuses and stocks.
Highlighting their salaries doesn’t say much.
Just like Trump’s usage of Wall Street as his economic prop.
While Main Street stayed pretty much stagnant.
Under Trump, Corporate tax cuts went from 35% to 21.
With the claim that the profits will trickle down.
No surprise – that was a lie.
And Covid gave Corporations and excuse to downsize.
Leaving those in place to agonize.
More work, same salary.
If you don’t like it you can leave.
And when applying for bankruptcy.
It’s always to the investors and Administrators that there is loyalty.
Others who are lower get furloughed or remain unpaid.
They are the ones who get displaced.
It’s said that some of Trump’s “patriots” met this fate.
A source for why they are so irate.
But as the anger remains, it’s harnessed to be used against.
While the “patriots” prop the ones who don’t intend to help.
They just pretend, and give relief only at the level of perceive.
From March 2020 to March 2021 – look how far the wealthy have come!
A 50% increase of wealth to the most wealthy.
While many households in America sank into poverty.
Some claim that when you give to the poor
It’s a reckless and recreational spend.
When you give to the top, will it be any different?
During the pandemic yacht sales went up.
Bezos is buying one.
Upwards of $500 million.
His big yacht will have a smaller yacht with a heli-pad.
This is an example of spending by an American “have”.
Yet Republicans are griping that under Biden
Some on the lower tier may be getting more than their share.
It’s often with the critical eye that people look at the poor.
And it’s never a good time for the poor to get more.
But giving strokes of a premium coat when eyeing the rich.
That’s the kind bias, with which many Americans think.
America needs more safety nets for the middle-class.
That are more enduring and likely to last.
There are breaks for those who already have a lot.
And lifts for the have-nots.
Those in the middle are often waiting to drop.
With the next bout of sickness, crisis or terrorist plot.
That’s why the Democrats’ plan to expand and extend
the basics to America(ns) make sense.
Yet, rather than come to their defense.
Many Americans dismiss and sabotage instead.
They then plan for Republican rule.
Who again, readily caters to the rich and deepens the poverty pool.
America(ns) keep making it harder for themselves to swim.
Throwing away their life-vests as the waves keep coming in.
Imagine being told that life-savers are your enemies.
Using them will make you appear weak.
So as you brave the currents and high waves.
Who will be there for your save?
Imagine, that which can keep you afloat, is disowned.
Preference to risk a drown than hang on to a lifeline
provided by someone you were told to despise.
And the sharks circling are normalized.
So you fail to see the danger that surrounds.
Only to lured away and knocked down.
Out in the deep, nothing to hold on to.
Who or what will rescue you?