Some Americans are supposedly eager to save a baby’s life.
But resist any safety nets for the child and the family to survive.
Unsure how that child will live.
But not willing to share or give.
Not voting to end child poverty.
To ensure food, housing and economic security.
Instead, oppress and suppress their families.
Reduce their chances to choose their lead.
Water down their education.
Limit resources that would help with their life’s preparation.
Limit their achievements and types of jobs.
Then when they grow up.
Judge them as lazy, good-for-nothing slobs.
How many Americans repeat this cycle with their votes!
Put the Republicans on a pedestal to pad and gloat.
Then when circumstances stay the same.
There is no change – It’s the government name they say.
But somehow the scapegoat for bad government
has been the Democratic establishments.
Even though in fact, they’ve been trying to keep on track.
To reflect the right side of history.
Not wanting its dark sides to repeat.
If Roe v Wade is reversed, will the religious rejoice?
Will they ever consider the cost to America(ns)?
As they keep their aim to prize that reversal.
There has been so many unholy dispersals.
A loss of democracy.
Increased political corruption and hypocrisy.
For many Americans – no longer the feel of ease.
They’ve lost the sense of peace.
More limits to citizens – to vote and peacefully protest.
Rights and resources to women diminished.
People placing trust in those they should not.
Use mis- and dis-information to end at conclusions.
Abandon facts to walk with propaganda and conspiracy theories.
Not weed out leaders who have shown they are beyond mean.
Yes, some particular Christian views may be getting through to be the law of the land.
But on the other hand, lives are not improved.
And it’s all done by control and at the expense of free-will.
Will there be a judgment day still?
It appears that it’s already happening.
And in the Garden of Eden, God didn’t remove the right to choose.
He said what there was to lose and laid out the consequence.
Then left the choice to them.
Religious and evangelicals sav[i]oring with a political head.
Putting Israel and Jerusalem above the needs of American children.
And they didn’t show a care to children crossing the border.
Searching for a better life, trying to escape much horror.
For some all around, there is a hefty cost.
And many are not willing to take a loss.
So they too go for rogue and illegal.
Politics in Jesus’ name is now the new religious.
Scams and shams are where they now invest.
Illegal races are where they place their bets.
Their portfolios present as rich.
And from the outside they do look thick.
When in truth there are many empty pages embedded within.
Many believe that there will be an apocalypse.
Divine intervention to the world’s end is imminent.
And it’s as if they are willing it to happen.
As they ignore climate change.
Bring culture war and civil war to center stage.
Embolden those who embrace hate.
Accelerate division and injustice.
Then they serve as God’s witness.
Pointing out the viciousness and destructiveness they themselves help to create.
Using it all as bait to promote the Christian faith.
How ironic.
What a sordid path to which they lead.
All in Jesus’ name – an acceptable Christian lean.
Why aren’t they in for peaceful?
Choose to highlight good instead of justifying evil?
When did it become okay for the Christian state
To engage in or adopt such devilish ways?
Even with the Big Lie and the political violence.
They have opted to stay silent.
Yet when Trump was in the lead they were vocal and supportive indeed.
It should be an easy do for religious to stand with true.
But they choose a narcissistic political representative
as fit to carry the shepherd’s stick.
For God’s sake, it is called a crook
But they didn’t have to be so literal.
Showing preference to criminals over liberals.
Disease spreading rats over Democrats.
Con-men and thieves held to the highest esteem.
While they demean hard working immigrants and gold-star families.
Ready support for Republican tricks.
Never on the floor for the Democratic fix.
Those who choose to reward themselves with power.
And bestow their friends with gifts.
As they withdraw the power of some people
And refuse to give those same people a lift.
They who decide to turn a blind eye
Once the injustice stays away from their side.
But with that door open, there is no guarantee.
And one day they and their descendants may need to draw a red-line.
If there ever comes a time that their morals don’t align.
The beginning to the end for them and theirs.
Following as Liz Cheney to the back stairs.
But Republicans have so far shown a bottomless pit.
How long will all these sinful ways persist?
Not standing with truth.
That is sinful too.