America has to lose weight to get fit.
And should be doing what it takes to give her citizens a lift.
Shed racism, injustice, inequality and hate.
She doesn’t need the fillers, lacking sustenance that are on her plate.
Just and right is the formula she needs.
Apply that to her people as well as to those who lead.
But unfit Americans are giving builds to unhealthy States.
The kind that renders the slowest of metabolic rates.
Republicans are not trying to increase muscle and trim fat.
They lie about where America is truly at.
And they’ve rigged the scales.
Setting America up to fail.
Not to have or keep her well.
America(ns) keep buying into the Republican snake-oil sell.
America(ns) don’t see that to get what they say they want for real –
Their base must be rooted in reality, not conspiracies.
Not whims, fancies or irrational beliefs.
Recognize that fad diets are often not successful.
Slow and steady with good nutrition goes.
Know that dusting the thread-mill doesn’t make it work.
It needs someone’s energy and foot.
To take the first steps that will get it moving again.
Batting away the hand that’s trying to put the power on is not a solution.
No the Left, Democrats and Liberals are not perfect.
They will make mistakes.
But they haven’t been deliberate about standing in the space of hate.
That’s the state Republicans are trying to keep America(ns) in.
Instead of helping to shed the weight, they keep sabotaging.
That has been a Republican doing, to destroy and ruin.
And people seem contrite to stick to their diet of lies.
Tolerating the bloating and extra weight.
As they continue to use perceive and believe as coverings.
Content to carry the load of pretend.
As they fake and feign exercising.
Binging on junk food, faking activities and workouts won’t give the results she wants.
You can’t wishfully think yourself to slim.
You have to control what you ingest and engage in movement.
But many Americans keep choosing stagnant.
Then they complain about where they are at.
Accuse others of lying as they themselves dismiss the facts.
Keeping America(ns) stuck in these unhealthy programs will damage her health.
Drain her wealth.
Make her less productive and more inefficient.
Not to mention the blow to her self-esteem.
Her once confident feel will become a yearn for its return.
No more peace or positive emotions that help relieve.
With nothing gained, she will likely blame the gym.
When the fault lies with her decisions about the
types of programs and trainers she keeps choosing.
And the psychological component is being ignored.
She is denied the chance to explore what happened before.
That which play a role in her behaviors now.
To unravel how she may be bringing harm to herself.
And what makes her reject true help.
As Republicans continue to pack on the pounds.
The alarm bells are sounding loud and long.
By keeping America ignorant and in the dark.
She is better able to hide from her stretchmarks and scars.
But some day the truth will shine through.
Her sluggish ways may give her a clue.
Hopefully then she will have access to care.
But there is a chance even that wouldn’t be there.
Yet no matter the case, it will be a difficult way.
The longer she waits, the further she strays.
The more arduous it will be to get back in control.
Achieve her goals and reclaim her worth.