The Church’s State

Some are on track to make Christian beliefs and teachings, the law of America’s land.
When all the while, America stood for religious freedom.
Who knew so many would approve the use of force to spread the word of God.
Instead of living by example and bearing witness –
They promote their own through politics.

Politically influenced religious team with religious politicians.
Some see that as a winning combination.
They salivate at this congregate.
But mankind was warned to not pair Jesus with Caesar.
Not what they hear, those power seekers.
Nor that we will be in a dangerous place if two masters are graced.
If there is a choice to be won.
Then that one will be at the head of the race.
As Christians are in America’s case.
While politicians ought to govern by rule and include.
Religious are there to guide and by their very nature, they already exclude.
If power should envelope either head.
Then the goal will not be to serve but for gain to themselves.
God will no longer be spiritual, but man-made.
Gifts, not intangibles to be received, but bribes to take.
Benefits exchanged.
Votes for pathways to religious rise.
Values and integrity compromised.
Positive and inspiring words only to those on the same side.
Otherwise you are worth less and of more sin.
And only with a cross-over will there be forgiving.

Politicians were perceived as liars and scum-bags.
Christians were at a different standard.
Showing tolerance and compassion.
Not an expectation anymore.
Religious waves helped bring and keep Trump and Republicans to shore.
As religious embrace this new type of politics.
Liking divine alongside corrupt and dangerous leadership.
Religion not as tight a grip, willing to slip.
Taking a lickin’ to keep Trump above board and tickin’.
As some want America to be a White Anglo-Saxon Christian country.
Forget social, cultural, religious or political diversity.
And many who are not the same eagerly join in anyway.
Hoping to ride their coat-tails.
But January 6th showed what many of them are about.
It also gleams in their rally turn-out.
Yet many religious and others still follow through.
Sticking to them like glue.
Just as Hitler’s way was likely paved.
Trump and Republicans have been given the red carpet.
Their team securing the pardons.
Christians on the loose, how would they choose?
For their cause, of course.
But why the acceptance of deceit, destruction and force?
Uplifting suppressors and communing with oppressors.
Catholic Bishops silent during Trump’s reign.
Going public against Biden.
No acknowledgment of his steps for good or his display of faith.
Just to reduce and eliminate.
The faithful not going with the Pope to vaccinate.
Staying with the politics.
Pastors citing the Right to congregate during a pandemic.
Singing praise, spreading sick, sending their people to heaven.
That’s the kind of reveal that’s given Jesus’ seal.
You would think that gaining sin is now a Christian win.
Twists in their messaging.
Turns in their teaching.
What was straight-lace has become a maze.
By following, some sheep have gotten lost.
At a hell of a cost.
In the short term there has been pain.
And their descendants will lose too, that’s being framed.
As the worshippers keep worshipping.
Some even depleting their savings.
To keep up with Trump and the Republicans.
Who keep getting stronger by the moment.
Lawmakers not doing what they could.
Religious leaders not reaching as they should.
When those in power make the call.
At the expense of indigenous, poor and vulnerable.
Leading more people to tips that are intolerable.
Yet many say it’s great.
But with less citizens being able to actively participate in our society.
The weaker our communities will become.
As they keep doing for one and for some.
They end up endangering all.
Pacing US to a crawl.
By selling a journey, promising an end for gold.
Then not delivering what they sold.
That’s usually from the playbook of cheats.
Shouldn’t be from the hands of judges, lawmakers and priests.
Now so bundled, unable to sort.
Leaving some of the faithful with questions and doubt.
It was never about the worldly messengers – who are often cloaked in sin.
Some knowingly keep their sin in hiding.
It’s to the higher power that we should be attending.
But we often go to indoctrinating.
Then the words become more salient than what the actions give.
More credence to what they preach than how the sheep live.
Getting trapped to the ideas of the belief.
Not living up to the ideals of which they speak.
Nor recognizing that those ideals are not reached.
That has been the flaw of the religious and conservative thinking.
Doing what they say is wrong for their purpose and gain.
Not in the name of their values and faith.
And their aim to make great is limited to them, theirs and some.
Lacking in overall care and commitment.
Belief is individual, but there is widespread influence.
And actual common cause.
The power of religion and political –
Positioned to lead and be of service to all.
But as they bend to greed, dangers befall.
Combined, it’s easier to do extensive harm in the name of good and God.
With the integration of fraud and abuse of norms, even laws –
Blurring these lines have come with a cost that neither Americans nor the world can afford.