The costs will trickle down

The Biden Administration isn’t wrong to help.
But often ill-will is shown when others get.
People tend to accuse the poor of wrong-doing.
And what they accept for those they like and are pursuing for themselves.
Shouldn’t be given to someone else.
So people often vote against government giving.
Yet they don’t hesitate, aren’t ashamed or shy away from using such systems in their living.
There is no harm or foul when they try to maximize.
But when others do, they criticize.
They may even circumvent, embezzle or cheat.
As they attempt to retrieve.
These are the same who become irate and puff against government waste.
But when and what they deem as “free”.
They go on a using spree.
They easily justify to their turn.
While they try to burn and prevent, so that others won’t obtain any benefit.

DeSantis wasn’t wrong to try and prevent a total shut down.
To keep the economy going by having businesses stay open.
It’s that an integral part of his fix has been the playing of politics.
Listening and catering only or mostly to his kind.
Securing votes, not saving lives.
Even ignoring the cries for help from systems of care.
He has made clear for who he sits in the Governor’s chair.
Not assuring for the safety of ones like the grocery store clerk.
But securing that people have access to bars and their boats.
That’s the level of “need” that some are at.
Not caring a crap for those struggling to get much less.
Yet many, to themselves, have already passed the humane, civil rights and religious tests.
Never willing to invest if it’s to help the vulnerable or poor.
But there when it’s for them or the higher ups to get more.
It’s insane, no complaints when the have-much and the have-more get.
But upset and reject when some effort is made to help the have-nots and have-less.

DeSantis is wrong.
Refusing aid from the Federal Government.
With the explanation that it’s tax-payers who will pay.
And the implication that our taxes will be raised.
But isn’t that money already spent?
To the Federal Government, our taxes already went.
And the States that are refusing the money are saying no to the
benefits and payoffs.
Tax-payers are being ripped off.
The taxes were collected for such communal use.
So why should the State refuse?
The Federal Government will continue to collect.
And although paying in, some of US will have nothing to get.
So for what do we invest?
Yet to many, DeSantis makes sense.
Again, working against themselves.
While blaming others for their loss.
When they are the ones making the choice for that governor to decide on their behalf.
But he would rather people get ill, starve or live on the street.
So he can stick the “enemy” with defeat.
And even when the fall-out comes because of the beat to their drums.
People displace the blame and go toward insane.
They continue with their turns and twists.
And if attempts to even the plane are what they are labeling as “communists” and “socialists”.
Then sign me up.
At least I know I’m not in the same deplorable basket as Putin and Trump.
And I can stand proud with what I say, said, do and have done.
Not hiding under the cover of words and labels.
That have no or many meanings and are not held stable.
Those who keep voting for the “capitalists” to win.
Dismiss that there are inequalities to life’s gives, gifts and lifts.
They support people spinning in mud.
As they vote against what will bring aid and comfort.
It seems that even those who oppose the “socialist” government and the programs that they set.
Are often quick to apply or try to qualify for whatever they can get.
They don’t hesitate to take.
They are not afraid to challenge the line of legitimate.
And again when they see “free”.
They are as wasteful as can be.
But “free” is always paid for by somebody.
And the “somebody” often are the taxpayers and consumers.
So US taking advantage of systems.
Cost US in the end.
Fines, fees, padded costs make up the difference.
From that we can’t escape.
It’s guaranteed to take place.

Not many could afford to pay for health and a good education.
But healthy and educated children are assets to the Nation.
It’s unreasonable to expect that everyone will have the skill or will to get a job that pays enough to live with padding.
And jobs that don’t require added skills or higher education are essential to our living.
Assumptions are often made that the poor did wrong to put themselves in their position.
Perceive that it’s all their fault.
Not consider that people are sometimes caught in an inadvertent downturn.
Through no fault of their own.
And people believe that the begs, cries and pleas from the vulnerable and down-trodden are not for needs but for treats.
Even when it’s the basics that are being denied.
It’s obvious that people are falling to the wayside.
Yet many readily forgive the rich, powerful and privileged no matter the sin.
Even go as far as admiring.
That says a lot about US as a people and a society.
Who we choose as our heroes, idols and wannabes.
It’s to those we perceive as worthy that we tend to show courtesy and mercy.

Some believe they can’t stay afloat or rise if they have to share or give.
And minimize the importance of collective gain.
They have no interest to even the plane.
They admire people like Trump who escape paying their fair share of taxes with no consequences.
Support them cheating the systems.
Elect the likes of Rick Scott who despite Medicare fraud, reaped rewards so he can rule and dictate.
Given power to determine their own and other peoples’ fate.
And at the same time, deny and dismiss that there are needs.
Not allow government to engage for good deeds.
We will continue to hurt our society and drain our economy.
If we don’t acknowledge the worth of manual labor and other unskilled work.
Ensure a match and balance between the cost of living and the salaries given.
It’s been said that a chain will only be as strong as its weakest link.
So why do people think that to make America great we need to bully, discriminate, take away and suffocate.
And it’s not just to the financial cost.
It’s to the peace and comradery of being an American that’s being lost.
From dust we came.
To dust are our remains as we lie in our grave.
Those worldly craves and saves to which we cling and make US feel as if we belong.
Alas, those are the ones that won’t trickle down.