When it comes to guns, the emphasis has been to the Rights of individuals to own and at times even to sport and shoot one.
No care about the potential violence, loss of life and devastation.
But with abortion, the Rights of women are ignored.
The life of the unborn is the emphasis.
Life is so precious, that being must exist.
So the woman must accept all potential fall-out, ruin and risks.
If men were able to get pregnant and give birth.
Will we be living through this scenario?
This comes from the same side that believes government involvement is a sin.
Supposedly, that Uncle Sam should not have a say to your personal life or hand to our business.
Now Conservatives agree that the government can decide for a woman to have a child even in an instance of rape.
But during a pandemic and with thousands of deaths, they can’t have mask-wearing and vaccine mandates.
And interestingly, the effects of gun violence permeates to all corners of our society.
Abortion is contained to those involved in or are close to the pregnancy.
Yet solving the “problem” of abortion is crucial and at the top of the Conservatives’ list.
Nothing to be done as mass shootings and gun violence persist.
We once learned that the body is a temple.
So why is it that the faithful don’t subscribe to protecting themselves and their neighbors from the virus?
Which may not just end in death.
Certainly compromising people’s health.
Yet many are choosing free and comfort for themselves instead of heeding the need for the collective else.
And supposedly many are so concerned that they may harm their health by re-breathing the air while wearing a mask.
Yet they prefer to risk infection, then ask for a cure, than take initial precautions for prevention.
Avoiding the readily available, easily accessible and most effective intervention – vaccination.
Increasing demand for testing and the expensive Regeneron.
Spending hours in line and blaming the government for being incompetent.
And for the prolonged impact.
Continuing the attack on those who have the answers and provide the help.
Instead of accepting responsibility and correcting their behaviors.
They complain and want to remove the ones who prepared.
Still trying to move US to yesteryear.
Vaccine hesitancy due to bad experiences or history, is different from vaccine disdain.
The latter grew from political campaigns and games being played.
Nancy Mace blatantly sang different tunes when appearing on CNN and Fox News.
We know to which she was all about herd immunity.
And where she nodded to masks and vaccines approvingly.
In places where Trump won by 60 plus percent.
People are ten times more likely to end up dead from Covid than the areas where the majority voted for Biden.
Despite the carnage and lessons learned, “America First” was 58th in the world as far as fully vaccinated goes.
From 2019 we’ve gained so much knowledge to prevent.
Yet we’re heading into ’22 as if we’re at the start again.
So despite being one at the top of the world for wealth, resources, intelligence and influence.
We allow ourselves to be controlled by disinformation, lack common sense and worship nonsense.
Trump did a good deed to initialize Warp Speed for the development of the vaccine.
But he kept inserting his political agenda.
Tainting what should have been a scientific wonder and splendor.
There was cause for pause as some were writing politics into the scientific protocols.
But in the end, there was enough evidence to conclude that the vaccines were not compromised.
And the answer to the many prayers should have been realized.
Instead of glory to God for the life-saving shot.
The Democrats get blamed for a sinister plot.
Because Trump chose to feed his narcissistic face, he botched the distribution.
Not a responsible leader, but a corrupt politician.
On the last leg of his presidency, his mind and heart weren’t where they should have been.
For stopping the spread of Covid-19 and promoting the vaccine.
He couldn’t claim as he wanted to and take all credit.
So he aimed to reap from it, while at the same time downplay.
He should not be upstaged.
Then he sort himself a new deal.
Building the illusion of an election steal.
It’s ironic – what should have been deemed a miracle and gift.
Is now valued less all because of men and their politics.
Now more of those on Trump’s side inject themselves with lies and are more apt to die.
But right-wing still has its head despite their trail of dead.
And Trump and his minions have a lot of life in them yet.
Somehow it’s easier to dismiss, overlook and forgive when you’re to the side of “Conservative”.
As to their definition and description of Conservative and Liberal.
Some Conservatives behave as if they are more special to God.
Weren’t we all made from the same cloth?
That tendency to favor the right – Is that a guide from Divine, or a man-made bias?
If it is as the faithful say – God sanctions the Conservatives’ way.
It’s unlikely that God is a woman making Arianna Grande wrong
Going by their definitions, God is coming along as evil strong.