Another Crossroad

Republicans are passing laws to allow cruelty to sections of our society.
Sadly, members of the targeted group are cooperating to see the GOP’s plans through.
History already made a case to keep these types of leaders in check.
Yet, people remain indifferent to potential harm, even to their own.
Is our blood running cold?

Acceptance of people of color, diversity, equality, and integration have not been an easy flow in America.
Especially for White males who have ruled.
It seems that the status quo is easy for them to choose.
They don’t care that their fight against change is causing additional rifts and rage.
No matter the consequence or what’s at stake – It’s to their keep and for their gain.
Despite who or what gets killed.
It’s their will to keep firing.
They can be impulsive or strategic.
As they aim to build exclusive.
They don’t believe in access for all.
Their calls are for their needs, not that of the Country.
Today’s message is to fight for yourself.
Don’t be bothered with anyone else.
But the truth about securing peace and liberty is that they have to be for as many to experience and feel.
Else it’s not the reality.
The aims at excluding and trying to erase are evil acts.
What do Americans expect to reap from that?

It’s a hard fight when you’re up against people who can live with lies.
When they have ties to indifference, unscrupulous and brutal.
A different sell when you have to convince those who succumb to cultish mind-melts.
When righteous commands how they think.
When they mix worship with politics.
When empathy and tolerance are not shown at the polls.
Not even permitted as people wait in long lines to vote.
When behaviors of inclusion, understanding and compassion are interpreted as signs of weakness.
When dread and bleakness are political sells.
So you can present yourself as the one who can make it well.
When we continue to vote for politicians who deliberately hurt their constituents.
While openly showing favors to some of them.

This leadership type appears to delight those to the right.
Terrorists, vigilantes, criminals and corrupted are cherished.
Any missteps from those construed to be left should be embellished.
Set them up to be canceled or marked for punishment.
Keep attacking and defacing to ensure for your advancement.
Even as the GOP and others obstruct and prevent Biden from getting work done.
It’s his ratings that take a dive.
While the obstructionists are given a life line.
Choosing to depress certain of our fellowmen.
Even at our expense and to our detriment.
Punching holes in our systems.
Strengthening certain kinds.
While weakening those already compromised.
The victim is blamed.
The perpetrator gets raised.
That has been the formula used by Americans and has been embedded in her systems.
Easy reduction when it comes to those who are marginalized, vulnerable and poor.
Quick to ignore the evil done by those who are seen as or have more.

Getting into positions of power, for power, was once considered a dictator’s move.
Now it’s what the Republicans choose.
And their choosers let them do.
Some Republicans who run try to distance themselves from Trump.
But they are still enablers to him and his agenda.
Many of the GOP and their base have already set the stage and surrendered.
Ironically, many who now justify the tyrant in Trump came to America as they fled from one.
Now that they are contributors, if there is a total fall of America’s democracy – To where will they flee?
Today, when we choose our lead we must recognize it’s beyond politics and policies.
The GOP made it so.
They’ve made it known who they are and the path they wish to follow.
We still have the power to say no.
Or become accomplices through our votes.
America, is at another crossroad.
While we still have the power as enforcers – Which way will we go?