While you have a say – Which will be your way?

America’s only real non-immigrants are the Indigenous and African Americans.
One was to be eliminated, in the least, displaced.
The other brought here as slaves.
Both were met with force.
And suffered great loss.
With little say to their course.
Now marked as “the enemy” by many, even those who gained voluntary entry.
Colonialism and slavery at some point, encompassed the belief that the other races are inferior.
And it’s to that blood that Americans are tapping into for America’s transfusion.
Denial that racists blood still runs, gives life and longevity to racism.
From how America’s systems were built.
To the citizens they keep targeting.
Wanting them to get less and fail.
Have their Rights taken away.
To who and how some were and are able to accumulate wealth.
Gain benefits and enjoy privileges.
To those who are emboldened to shoot based on their biases and perceptions.
To those allowed to go above the law, avoid accountability and punishment.
Even to gain high ranking and powerful positions despite wrong doing.
Who can use violent rhetoric, boast about killing and having so many excuse and defend it.
Those who can participate in political, social, legal and economic overreach.
Deny representations to POC.
Others are able to join, singing the Master’s song.
Agreeing to the removal of those they perceive as sub-human.
Citing that a few have been able to rise.
That should suffice to say that in America there is no more racism or racial discrimination.
There should be no more advancement to a more perfect Union.
When there is will, they find a way.
So despite what Republican voters say, they want the racism and discriminatory practices to stay.

People enjoy the drama and entertainment of reality TV.
And right-wing media aims to satisfy and please.
Many on the right now prefer to be lied to than to sit with truth.
To remain ignorant and in the dark so there is no care to hear the facts.
They have the choice to not watch or listen.
But they made the turn to stay with fiction.
Americans choosing to binge on right-wing.
It has become an integral part of their living.
Right-wing media will keep obliging – It’s their win-win.
Profits from advertising and brain-washing.
Right wing and Conservatives – their will, their way.
Allowing transgressors, conspirators and propagandists to stay above the fray.

Some will say this is all fake news, absurd views.
But it’s lining up the facts.
With evidence, precedence, historical marks and tracks.
Those on the right don’t want to admit to that.
But if they truly cared, they would act.
Just as they justify lynch mobs to “stop the steal” and embolden vigilantes to do dirty deeds.
It’s with such passion and energy that they fight to preserve “voting integrity”.
And ban books so Whites will be “guilt-free”.
Erase American history and the LGBTQ plus community.
Implement rules and laws that encourage vigilantism.
Suing doctors and teachers, turning people in.
No mention, no discussion, no education.
Limiting what can be said in learning institutions.
Yet people are free to arm themselves with high capacity weapons.
Able to wipe out as many of their enemies in seconds.
It’s obvious which side is being pandered to.
Which is the privileged and preferred groups.
Over the years, some aspects of America couldn’t be more clear.
There is no longer a need to guess, mince, mix or create.
The facts are there and it’s ludicrous to try and debate.
Yet people are shifting to new molds.
Re-defining goals.
On the right, there is no need to explain or justify.
They only need to sound a battle cry.
Others jump on board.
Believing in the frauds.
Despite their logic, definitions and information being flawed.
Trivial and irrelevant points are allowed.
They identify the enemies and allies.
Make obvious who they believe should rise.
And who should be held back.
Republican voters have been agreeing to all of that.
While Americans still have a way to power their will.
What will they be choosing?
While you have a say – Which will you elevate, which will you erase?