America(n)’s Fail-Ignoring History and Other Mistakes

You can avoid some suffering and pain
by learning from other people’s mistakes.
There is so much to gain by self-educating and observing.

Not just from the written word
but from what people are saying and doing.
Someone likely carried a similar load
experienced the same type of journey,
or traveled on the same road.
So when you make a decision,
you don’t need to go only by your experience.
Consider what’s under your control,
be aware of the consequences,
what people are telling and what they have already told.

The Founding Fathers and people before us
had a vision for America.
The one that gives justice to all
and is backed by the Constitution.
Many sacrificed, some with their lives
For all to have certain Freedoms and Rights.
It truly is appalling
that the last four years have not been a deterrent.
Americans are choosing to be tribal.
To have the current authoritarian leader
and his enablers gain another political cycle.
When other countries with such a lead
are trying to rid of it, like you would a bad seed.
Such types of control
should not be allowed to solidify or take hold.
It’s often the case that when it’s time
the controller will not want to give it up or let go.
And as a citizen why would you want
to give up your power?
That is what you would do
if you permit an authoritarian leader.
In truth, you’re giving up your power to choose,
not only who leads in the future,
but what and which issues are important to you.

How can you turn an autocrat around?
You won’t have the power to vote the autocrat out!
What would you do with Jack,
after you let him out of the box and can’t get him back?
And be sure you want it free,
once it’s released, you’ll be stuck with that Genie.

For now, you may be pleased with what you’ve received.
But how will it go if there is something you oppose?
Sadly you may not feel the effects today,
for you having democracy taken away.
But to your descendants, there will be a cost.
Your choice – a direct contributor to their loss.