How “liberal” will today’s Conservatives get?

There are those who are of privilege.
Whether by wealth, color of skin or some other advantage.
And it doesn’t have to be based on reality.
It could be of belief, perception or a particular mentality.
Some have acquired true influence and power.
Even if based on their sheer numbers, they’ve become a powerful “minority”.
Fighting for perceived security.
Even brain-washed as a community.
Now loyal to the Nationalists and Populists.
Living and choosing for their keep so it’s always to the politics.
Wanting a certain world order to stand.
It must be as they demand.
Entwined are the capitalists, the conservatives and the opportunists.
No longer siding with morals, values and traditions.
And in many instances have proven to be quite “liberal”.
But kept under the conservative umbrella.
It’s all to their twist of definitions, explanations and interpretations.
Manipulating regulations, expectations and perceptions.

So while people are protesting the increase of their rent.
Gone up by high pluses and percent.
Worries about high prices and inflation.
Showing no compassion.
Many complain, but their choices sanction.
Because as sections of society feel the crunch, others have gained so much.
Yet still raising the prices just because of demand increase.
Opportunists who never cease.
The capitalist beast rearing its ugly head.
And the “conservatives” are making sure that the tops are fed.
Mostly coming from the Party of red.

“Conservatives” focusing on “voting integrity, redistricting, anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-mask and anti-vaccine mandates”.
It’s been a type of one-sided rule of “conservatism”.
And the “opportunists” chime in.
They all claim to be about “freedoms and liberty”.
As they ensure for their and “their government’s” overreach.
When it comes to freedom of social, cultural and religious expression – it’s been more of a win for White Christian Evangelicals.
And others who subscribe to their ways feel they have something to gain.
So many accept and tolerate.
Even though it’s streamlining to who reigns.
Those who fight to publicly pray and openly display their religion.
Are not necessarily promoting religious freedom.
It’s to their religion and dominion.
Which to this day and time is Christian.
When others question if all will be afforded the same privilege.
Instead of embracing these as opportunities for discussion.
They shake to their advantage, cries of religious persecution.
Claiming it’s an attack to their person, religion and God.
So there is a chant to cut the “liberals” and secularism down.
In doing so, many openly embrace inequality and discrimination.

When people think to diss wearing masks do they cross beyond their feelings of discomfort, inconvenience and personal preference?
To what the masks prevent?
Not just the spread of infection, but the strain and drain to society and systems.
The fatigue and trauma as health-care workers do their work.
The physical, emotional and psychological toll.
As they were exposed, many separated from their families.
What about their struggles to stay Covid-free?
No choice but to be in full defense.
Having to wear full protective gear hours on end.
Many health-care workers quit.
No tap for a re-fill.
Other health needs and emergencies put on hold or postponed.
Leading to other health deteriorations and deaths.
What does it matter if the Covid influence was direct or indirect?
There’ve been wide-spread long term effects.
Somehow, to fix, it’s not high on the list for “Conservatives”.
Who have been very “liberal” to spread and devastate.
Not to prevent or contain.
Certainly not for the number of deaths.
They’ve been more “liberal” than even the true Liberals dare to get.
Not choosing safe.
Though initially it may have been a more tedious lane.
There could have been plans and preparation for recovery.
Instead they choose the path of rejecting discovery, championing obstinacy.
Creating wars and rifts.
That’s their governing that persists.

So as they pick and choose where and what to be liberal about or conservative to.
They don’t let any opportunity to control and suppress others pass.
Once the power and prestige of the capitalist surpass.
Where is the care to families and values?
Morality, integrity and truth?
The respect to tradition, rules, order and law?
Their devotion, allegiance and steadfastness to these have thawed.
In fact, the GOP has been capitalizing on Americans distancing themselves from these.
Instead, adhering to alternate facts, chaos, inconsistency and lack of empathy.
Their rejection of discipline and personal responsibility.
The projection of blame.
The split to sides of black or white, for or hate.
There has already been that change.

Conservatism is now a thread in the Party of Lincoln.
The MAGA crowd has become the more popular ones.
But “Conservatives” have made a calculation to keep their power and leverage.
They prefer to risk the danger of the Populists and what they bring.
So they are just as culpable and responsible for reviving and enhancing history’s taints and stains.
What was held dormant and contained have been let loose – no restraints.
Power given to White Nationalists, terrorists, racists, bigots and zealots.
Feigned ignorance.
Capitalists who always choose money and power over humanity.
Opportunists who will keep and seek to heighten to their advantage and privilege.
Evangelists and religious who would place ideology and personal beliefs to policy, over equality, compassion and empathy.
Parents who shun exposure to certain books, authors and information.
A Nation that doesn’t care about finding or facing facts.
What they agree to or like is to the max.
A preference to muddy, not clarify.
Hype, not simplify or try to realize.
Bury, not resolve.
Obscure, not inform.
Bombard with chaos.
Keeping people misinformed and confused as these conservatives, capitalists and opportunists do.
Is no different from the strategies dictators and fascists use.
As long as Americans show allegiance to the GOP and subvert.
It’s not only democracy that gets hurt.
The values that Conservatives once stood for will be destroyed.
The profits that Capitalists could bring will be diminished.
As long as fascists, radicals, extremists, nationalists and populists disguise as Conservatives and are given unparalleled liberties.
Opportunities for equality, peace, honesty and “free” would be of the past.
These fraudsters will continue to capitalize and perfect their craft.