America has been drifting far.
Away from what was held up as her character.
For some Americans this is not by force.
It’s to their choice.
With freedoms and liberties, what do so many Americans choose?
Suppression, obstruction, corruption and being lied to.
Whether from ignorance, oversight or spite.
They refuse masks that protect from the virus, but don the ones that diminish their sight.
Exalt the Party that highlights grievance and fear.
Make violence and smear campaigns integral parts of their politics.
Give lifts to gangster style.
Even though in real time, we witness the harm that comes as these rulers rule.
Americans stack up on excuses to justify acceptance of the abuses and give permission to ruin.
Living true – is what these Americans are failing to do.
Deception and ingenuity are on full display, every day.
With no attempt to squelch.
Instead, crooked leaders are reinforced.
That type of viewing is encouraged and endorsed.
They blend reality, fantasy and illusionary.
Portraying as if honesty and integrity are over rated.
Empathy and sympathy are out dated.
Altering real to match beliefs.
Creating to their pleasure scenes.
Receiving disinformation and guidance from “opinion writers” acting like spiritual advisers.
Driving US away from the open arms of Lady Liberty.
Leading US back to the days of the Confederacy and the persona of Jim Crow.
It’s to this path that they want America to go.
And have been able to do so, because of wide spread participants.
At all corners of society joining and enabling.
Legitimizing, justifying, even worshiping.
Christians ruling to put their beliefs above all else.
Those who have so much to lose, not helping to squelch these movements.
Such an easy sell that these are all to improvements.
Imagine having the freedom to choose.
And all you can think of is to not lose.
Bypassing coverage of health.
Not doing right by the environment.
Doing nothing to curb deaths even from high powered weapons that destroy so many lives in mere seconds.
Choosing less government, denying its need.
Feeding into special interests and corporate greed.
Tilt to their advantage.
Less to serve the public interest.
Fear of being “replaced” and being obstinate about cultural diversity.
A reflection of the gripes and desires of White Supremacy.
The Tea Party and Extremists groups formed and grew in response to the Obama presidency.
Yet so many Americans deny racism is real.
A report has said that Nationalists groups increased by 55 percent in the four years Trump was president.
Members of the Republican Party have been linked to or known to attend meetings led by Extremist groups.
Taylor Greene, Gosar and DeSantis are a known few.
Doug Ducey of Arizona backed Wendy Rogers, a known White Nationalist for a Senate seat.
Reported he was proud of what he accomplished and she was better than the Democratic opponent he helped her defeat.
Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania reportedly paid extremists to be part of his campaign.
He’s in the same lane as gun enthusiasts, QAnon, the insurrectionists and Christian Nationalists.
Despite this faction growing on the right.
These political types have a place in the GOP.
With high probability that they will win.
Freedom to choose, and that’s what Americans are choosing.
Freedom, in the absence of equality reduces the strength of a Nation’s democracy.
It’s not just that these one-sided gains, derail.
It’s all to such an extreme.
The choices must then be to people’s will, deliberate seeks to anti-integrity and anti-democracy.
Is it because their eyes are not to what they fight for?
And instead, they are entranced by the dislike and revenge tour?
Or, is the GOP playing the kind of hands that these Americans truly desire and demand?
Either way, it’s what has grown to today.
Their freedom their choice.
Limiting themselves to one.
As right-wing leaders and influencers recognize.
They capitalize.
They don’t have to spend money, time or resources on production.
Instead, they move to reduction.
Which many in US won’t notice.
As they keep their narrow focus.
They likely will remain content.
Until they desire different.
The choices they will then be looking for.
Would be long gone.
All because, when there was freedom and they had choices, they decided to oppress and silence voices.
The way Americans are moving, this can easily happen.
Our freedom, our choice.
Sufficient in US destroy and ignore.
Until there is none.