Some join religion, not for or to do good, but to ward off evil they believe to be afoot.
They perceive there are blessings to get.
Some, to the point of entitlement.
Less for compassion, self-sacrifice and enlightenment.
They did not create or make.
Yet they are emboldened to take from others, including free will, freedoms, Rights and life.
In US, those who get to decide are on the right, rich, of privilege, Christian and White.
Making culture, politics and religion to their combination.
A “choice” of one.
Even though it’s obviously not how the Universe was meant to function.
And it’s not just the sheep that stray or are led away.
The shepherd too are of flesh.
Susceptible to bad influence.
They can be misled.
Some even have cruel streaks.
Their heaven on earth is what they seek.
Lacking integrity as they preach.
This has caused some in US to lose trust in organized religion.
The guidance, teaching and rituals tainted by the greed of politicians.
And those who boast of walking with God act as if they are under an umbrella of forgiveness.
Of permanence to God’s order of business.
As is their choice that others ought to take a fetus to full term.
Deem that birth is of most worth.
Ignoring the clear message of love.
Ready to dispose of different and diverse.
Forcing all to their mold.
God didn’t make all to one size, kind or type.
Yet those on the right aim to wipe out what they don’t like.
As some shed their clothes, the wolves emerge.
Sadly they were invited to the mix because the shepherd like their politics.
Do they really perceive that what there was to gain and what came have been a fair exchange?
Who in their right mind would have a loved one die?
Force them to carry a fetus that will not thrive.
Have them hold it to full term, knowing there will not be life or birth.
And if the woman decides on an abortion, she will be subject to litigation, possibly incarceration.
Not just for herself, but for all who attempt to help.
As some say – Life is not a choice.
But neither was force ever of Jesus’ teaching.
He spoke against lying, stealing and cheating.
So why is that acceptable today?
As those who run in the circle of God choose play and prey.
In the absence of rules and responsibility.
Hunting without capability, consideration, care or courtesy.
With pride they stand high and mighty.
With that in mind, are people really surprised by Herschel Walker’s hypocrisy?
That has been a quality and a cornerstone of the GOP.
Acceptance of leaders like him and Trump is a reflection of their voters and donors.
They aren’t supporting true leaders, but wannabe dictators and owners.
The wolves show and tell who they are.
Though many sheep know, they still choose to follow.
And they do as the wolves – Hunt, terrorize and slaughter their own.
Why are people willing to place their lives in the hands of those who lie?
Why is it so hard for them to understand what’s at stake?
They tolerate, accept and stay silent to the extensive damage.
Not just in politics but to societal hollowness and rottenness.
Remaining faithful to those who negatively affect the functioning and livelihood of ordinary folk.
History knows and the present shows.
Their cries for freedom have been conditional.
Dependent on who you are and where you came from.
Free speech laced with division and divisiveness will not bring US peace.
Family values and morality won’t shine when there is no integrity.
Security is lost once you endorse or are tolerant of violent rhetoric and vigilantes.
You’re not true to life when you compromise on truth and reality.
In this new world of their law and order, judges aren’t neutral.
Police are allowed to be brutal against those considered to be second-class or second-rate.
So blatant in the belief that not all are of the same worth.
Perceiving that others don’t deserve chance or opportunity to live fair and free.
History knows, the present shows and the future will grow to repeat atrocities against mankind.
It’s those on the right, rich, of privilege, Christians and White who see themselves as America’s greatness and pride.
You don’t need to be one in the group at this time.
You’re in the loop once you identify.
But as their power and control get stronger, some who now belong, won’t.
As they sweep the Nation next time around with a fine-tooth comb.
They’ve made it clear, it’s those on the right, rich, of privilege, Christian and White who should be at the top tier.
And many are ready, willing and able to ensure that only those get there.
The left is of evil and sin, out to ruin.
Though it comes to be by those on the right smearing.
No, President Biden isn’t a bundle of energy and charisma.
But he is of good character.
Though in America that no longer matters.
He is not the demon that the conservatives would have US believe.
He hasn’t misused or abused the office of the presidency.
Yes, he called out MAGA Republicans.
Deliberately making a distinction.
Right-wing falsely claim his rhetoric is more dangerous than what brought US January 6th.
While it’s their lies and violent rhetoric that keeps increasing and intensifying.
Rising to civil unrest, even war.
For some that is the “only choice”.
Billionaires and millionaires control Americans through right-wing.
Somehow they aren’t the hated elites – it’s only Democrats and “progressive” celebrities.
Even though some on the right are beginning to admit that it’s power they’re seeking.
In the midst of deception and exploitation, the members of their Party are still thriving.
It’s difficult to understand how Christians look at life through the eyes of the capitalist.
Make decisions mostly based on their gain and benefit.
While seeking short-term and immediate.
Those on the right have been deceptive, even about pro-life.
A smoke-screen to the removal of other people’s Rights.
Speaking of God, while void of love.
Duping their side to believe in the economics of trickle down.
And that crowns belong to certain members of the population.
Wanting a particular type and face to the Nation.
To the point that even spiritual leaders have not been using language and actions of empathy, compassion and love.
They’ve been preaching and acting with vengeance.
Teaching the flock that there are blessings to come.
That it’s not sin, or all will be forgiven, if done in God’s name, to his will and for his win.
God, guns and Trump – the trio those on the right promote.
Americans do the same with their vote.
Now embedded in Christianity and right-wing groups.
Seems like the latter two bring joy, comfort and blessings too.
Consistently tapering in the name of God.
Forcing to one – right, rich, of privilege, White and Christian.
And if you’re not on board with them, you’re of demon.