America the Great

“With malice toward none, with charity for all” – words of Abraham Lincoln.
Wanting for the Nation to do right, to heal and to achieve lasting peace within the Country and Nationally.
Since on that track, America has changed.
But not like Trump and his Republicans state.
In fact, when for them, did America stop being great?
They planted a seed and manipulated their way through people’s belief.

The forefathers dream, as per history – Democracy, equality, diversity.
But not everyone agreed.
Trump and other leaders of the Republican Party allowed nefarious seeds to thrive.
Those wanting to keep discriminatory and racist practices alive.
Just like Trump, they put fault and blame equal to both sides.
While Republicans and those on the right, have been more corrupt, violent and unjust.
They speak ill of America, her people and her systems while calling themselves patriots.
Admiring strong men who lead.
Actual enemies of democracy.

America has strayed.
Many Americans have lost their way.
Some who came after the height of the fight for Civil Rights and now side with White Supremacists to “make America great”.
Voting against those who have ties or lineage to the ones that were residing on the land when the British came.
Not caring about the descendants of those brought here as slaves.
Supporting bans and wanting to have history re-made.
Those who fled their Country to escape corruption and government overreach, think nothing of accepting that here.
Siding with the Party and leaders that rule with terror and fear.
Ditching facts and truth with their sights to power and wins.
Singing righteous while they and theirs wrap themselves in sin.
What they want and what they want to believe they need.
At the expense of democracy.

America has lost her way because the American Dream for many has changed.
Capitalism, money, power and greed have hijacked the American Dream.
It’s no longer about freedom, fairness, justice and equality.
Diversity, once one of America’s strengths, now being sold to Americans as a weakness.
Those wanting to “make America great” believe in a State where White men reign and Hitler types prevail.
For now, White is not a shade, but a mindset.
So the Republican Party can catch as many in their net.

Trump and his Republicans, changing and making up rules as they go along.
Wanting to abandon the Constitution.
Destroy American Institutions.
When did America’s system become such a problem that they would call her third World?
And whenever they could, they remove Rights and protections to Americans.
To mainstay Republican, radical and Christian.
That’s what we have to look forward to as Americans choose different from the true American Way.
While absolving themselves and theirs from shame, remorse and blame.
As they keep moving them up – the criminal and corrupt.
Loyalty to Party and Trump.
They’ve strayed, from what they once declared they loved about America and what they said made America great.
Make no mistake, this is not new.
Republicans have been at it before Trump’s popularity grew.
Gerrymandering to wins.
Bent on taking away choice and free-will.
Teaming with special interest groups – they give money – Republicans say – No rules.
Power to Corporations, dark money into government.
Politicians willing to bow to them.
No longer fighting for their Constituents.
Letting organizations like the Federalist Society guide the President.
Now they’re intent to have the Heritage Foundation map America’s landscape.
Mirroring the Handmaid’s Tale.
Taking America back to the days when workers had no say.
A book by a private group, telling the President what to do.
Based on its own interests, opinions, agenda and beliefs.
Not representative of what the Country wants or needs.
But there’s a man and a Party willing to see it through.
Not the American Dream, Americans once knew.

Because of Trump’s and his Republicans’ claim, that America is no longer great, many Americans believe in the need for a drastic change.
Becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Especially if America continues to lose on democracy.
And Americans dismiss the importance, or abandon the idea and ideals of diversity, equality and freedoms.
Hopefully enough Americans wake up to make sure that Dreams for America since the days of Lincoln, comes.