It’s ironic that at the RNC – When they spoke of a good America, they referenced how she used to be. With outstretched and open arms Welcoming to Immigrants. Speakers told of how they were able to live the American Dream, Had benefits and advantages ending with upward mobility. When all of these opportunities are being denied to many under the Trump Presidency – Shutting borders, denigrating Immigrants, Not appointing or promoting long time public servants. But giving favors to his campaign donors.
If you were allowed such privilege and freedom Why do you not want it for all? This is for what people are fighting. But you and the leader want to build a wall. And you deny that for many citizens, there is still a shortfall.
An emotional speech from Mr. Alvarez, a Cuban American Man Who told of his family’s journey to becoming American. Mr. Alvarez supports the one who speaks against Immigrants and Immigration. And although he fears communism and another Castro He backs the campaign and a man helped by Russia – This is for who he would cast his vote.
Tim Scott and Nikki Haley – Yes, they were able to break the glass ceiling. But they’re like the “People of Color – tokens”. What percentage of Black lives are still broken? There were people of color speaking at the Convention And represented at the ceremony for Naturalization. So if such diversity are for Republicans They should have better representation. Why isn’t it reflected in their leadership? Trump said that his type of Immigrants would be from Norway. Yet those weren’t on display when the new citizens were sworn in. That just reflects the games he plays And his aim to save face but still please his base.
The BLM has been accused of promoting and making heroes of the men and women killed by law enforcement. When their aim was to put names and faces to these victims. Yet RNC invited the couple who pointed guns at peaceful protesters. Protesters who were not on the attack against them. The couple’s situation did not represent a need for protection. But their action is a case against the Protester’s First Amendment. Protesters have a Right to express their opinion – It’s Activism. Pointing guns at Protesters for no reason – Terrorism!
Trump warns suburban wives – vote for me or fear for your lives. The families crossing the borders are coming here to kill you. So too are the protesters – they will invade your neighborhood too. When in truth, these suburban wives have resources to solidify their fortresses. And it’s Blacks that are getting killed. That are recipients of ill-will. For many years, this has been the case. Yet it remains a talking point for a corrupt man to win a political race.
From her explanation, Alice Johnson said she’s on a mission For criminal justice reform. She spoke of wanting to help others Specifically to her similar cause – People incarcerated for long sentences Who she referred to as forgotten. And Trump showed her compassion So she could only speak about him, not Biden. Is Trump’s plan to continue individual pardoning? That’s like using a toothbrush to clean a 10-story building!
Criminal justice reform is why people are in the streets protesting -. Yet, that was not worth mentioning. This situation shows how people go for a tapered vote – One group, one issue, one reason for such an encompassing position. While ignoring other needs and concerns.
Clarence Henderson spoke of the Republican Party of old. One that led to abolish slavery, allow Blacks to be citizens and give them the Right to vote. But what he spoke of was only a reminisce Not what his Party has been doing since. Yet Republican voters still, can’t deny their Party a win. Giving a helping hand to the disenfranchised is a greater sin. They seem to prefer to give a rise to Alt-Right and QAnon types. With their racism, conspiracy theories and lies.
Looking on, it would seem as if Covid-19 was no longer a threat. But statistics toward its defeat, haven’t yet been met. Trumps’ lack of boundaries have proven costly and deadly. His Coronavirus Task Force gives guidelines to the Country – Undermining the CDC, a public health institution That should be free from political control and influence. Pushing the CDC to change their recommendations To prop and be in line with Trump’s political agendas. So while they indicated that testing is not needed There is daily testing for Trump and those close to him. And with the large gathering at the White House during the campaign Only to those close to the President were testing given. This symbolizes Trump’s and his Party’s belief – They should choose who is of worth And to whom resources are worthy. All participants should have received the benefit And so should the rest of the Country.
Melania called for people to stop gossiping and being mean. But her husband is most famous for doing both frequently. Spreading lies, propaganda and conspiracy theories. These are the very tools being used by Trump and their Republican Party.
Republican voters have been in step with their leaders – To one side and for the win. Now they are marching to something more sinister That has infiltrated their Party and is changing it from within. And that’s the flaw in Republicans’ thinking – Only one side gets their attention. And it’s only one-sided solutions that they are offering And to whom they are offering them, it’s limited.
This is not meant to be anti-Republican. It’s to show what they are doing and what they’ve become. Republicans seem to have a yearning for what was But they have departed from their original cause. If they could return to those roots And stand again with the Truth That would be a huge step To making America great again.