Trump says he will do the same should he get a second term. He claims to make no mistakes – so there are no lessons learned. With such a stance, how can we advance? Trump has been his biggest limitation. He lacks the knowledge, skill, discipline and motivation to find meaningful solutions. To make up for his deficits, Trump made a substitution – confusion, creation of delusions, accusations. – meddle with people’s mind and their perceptions. He’s using the same to keep his political lead. As he attempts to control our psyche So we will embrace his reality. Which for some, because of their belief, experience a bit of an emotional relief – which is likely temporary, and could be an actual hindrance to people pursuing, and others finding – reasonable, sustainable solutions. Trump has people looking ahead – For what may or should be there. So they fail to see their current realities. Leaving them vulnerable and totally unprepared. He has a bag of psychological tools; Which he’s not afraid to use. As he aims to melt and mold People’s mind, heart and soul. Until they become putty in his hands And then, they stand for what he stands. He goes above the law, beyond the norms and rules. Then others who like or are like him, try for the same too. Trump’s way has been negative, punitive and vindictive. How can you stand with him and not get all twisted! The only way, what he says and does can be associated with good Would be if you play pretend and abandon truth. It’s to Trump’s advantage when we are in a heightened state. The more we relax or are at peace, the less he can manipulate. So he fans the flames of fear, anxiety and hate That way, he controls the narrative.
It’s ironic that Conservatives and Religious don’t care about a Man’s character. And he convinces them – he is their one and only leader. He’s gotten the religious to embrace what’s unethical and immoral. Law enforcement to endorse the lawless and the criminal. Demands for citizens to respect law and order – But that doesn’t apply to “Him”! He has the ear of veterans and the military – That one with no discipline. An unpopular President with less votes who appeals to those of the electoral college – The powerful minority who runs this Country – Yet they deny White Privilege.
No, Trump didn’t start what we have today. But he certainly has added to the fray. He takes advantage and uses it for his benefit. And now he has more control to do as he sees fit.
Republican types are not only Trump supporting. His tricks are what they are using and adopting – Changing the focus, muddying the truth, blatantly lying. Even when the economy is going downhill and people are dying.
The bold one with the loud mouth wins the promotion. While the diligent worker with the experience gets no attention. It’s not just the work and dedication. It’s the games you can play and the manipulations. Trump uses that corporate style as he runs the Nation.
Under Trump’s Government the US debt is nearly the size of the economy. The Trump Administration has been spending a lot of money. The biggest debt since WW II; Did any of that money trickle down to you? Check Trump’s hotels, golf courses, where he makes his wine. Oh, you won’t be allowed in, and you can’t afford the wine, or the dine. Yet you stand in silence when he refuses to show his finance.
Yes, Democrats are known to spend But it’s been for the people, not for an individual or establishments. Even when the Democrats are obviously fighting for benefits that Republican voters and Trump supporters are needing. Republicans obstruct – Both sides take a hit. Like the kid that does a bad deed and blames his sibling. And the parents punish both, not caring who started it. So some continue to blame both sides of the Republic and Democrat types. And at a time that certainly was true. Until Republicans changed the rules. So much so, that a man like Trump is now in the lead, Manipulating the voters and the Party. Now the scale has tipped so much to one side. It has come to the point that one is wrong and one is right.
If Trump and the Republicans acted like true Conservatives Then we the People could deal with it. But they no longer stand for what they stood. When you look out at them, there are many white hoods. “That’s not me!” – Has been people’s claim. But they still give their support and there’s so much that they tolerate. When a rose has thorns which we dismay, They are removed before the display.
Difficult or desperate times can define us Or sometimes show who we are. Do we adhere to our values? Or are our values what we choose to discard?
Most people are just wishing for a decent chance And a chance for a decent living. All for the same – Freedom, a safe environment Equally advancing, and not just barely existing. But there is a difference now in how the game is played And who should get the benefit. And if you don’t see or can’t acknowledge this discrepancy – Trump has succeeded to solidify an alternate reality. He already has his disciple’s minds under control. Now he’s aiming for America’s heart and soul.