How have you been since 2016?
Many said they voted for “the economy”.
And Trump supposedly had the answer key!
Like “Trump’s” economy, have you been on the rise?
Don’t go by “feel” – that’s just a disguise.
Do you truly have more?
Is there more that you now afford?
Do you even have a feed into Wall-Street?
And if you did rise –
Was it at Wall-Street’s speed?
Do you still have a job?
If not, do you have insurance?
When the Obama Administration tried to remove that link,
Many voted to have that Party shrink.
And now some are needing a life-line.
It’s from a Government that has moved
to dismantle and privatize.
Are you still for a no-tax Amazon?
Did the tax-break gains to big businesses trickle down?
Have they been generous and giving?
Now that there is a threat to the People’s finance
and standard of living!
It doesn’t count if your rise has been from Covid.
Many lives are in the dumps and people are suffering.
If you think the solution is to hide in your bubble,
Ignore all the trouble –
Over time, that effectiveness will wane.
Walls don’t hide suffering and pain.
Out of sight – out of mind
won’t keep it contained or make it go away.
From it, you won’t be able to escape.
And one day you may experience the same fate.
That’s when you’ll demand meaningful solutions.
And release your inaccurate conclusions.
But what is puzzling –
Why not look for a humane solution from the beginning?
Why, when we see a societal discrepancy
We often don’t go for the mend?
It’s those who have the downfall
That we tend to go against, instead.
When it comes to us – would we ever think
we get more than we deserve?
That’s what we tend to feel
when it’s others we observe.
But even on this issue we tend to favor one side.
And to the other, we turn a blind eye.
So we end up giving more riches to the rich.
More power to the powerful.
And for Society’s ill – we turn to blame the vulnerable.
Maybe, some do ask for or demand more than they deserve.
But many are just trying for equality with what they do, or can earn.
Those who expect more tend to be outliers.
But in your mind you fan the flames, so the issue becomes like a fire.
And over time, being poor looks like a crime.
So when people ask for help,
You give them scorn and want punishment.
And the only way you might see different,
Is when YOU make less than you need to spend.
Many people are not asking for more than they deserve.
They just want what all should have, If true Justice was served.