It May Not Matter

Imagine if one day you may need just the person who you are trying to defeat.
When you use a machine or equipment –
Do you care that a person of color could have invented it?
When you are in danger or near death –
Would you refuse, if it’s a person of color who came to help?
Would you stop and ask – Are you Republican or Democrat?
Which side are you on – Black Lives Matter or Law and Order?
Who did you vote for – Trump or Clinton?
What’s your immigration status – legal or illegal?

So if there are circumstances you can or will accept whatever,
Why in your living then, you’re for so many restrictions?
In the end you limit your experience, contribute to upheaval.
Then you have a case for – no difference.
Because when you’re in need or desperate –
The playing field is equal.
So if there is a time or a chance for you to accept that –
Why has your fight against it been so adamant?