Trump is creating the reality he initially set for us to see.
He did a divide for us to choose sides.
When in fact many times we can support both.
Used lies and propaganda as the guide.
Which he proceeded to shove down our throats.
Continuously poking those who disagree
Inevitably they WILL become the enemy.
Some of it is just in the mind.
But now as people fight for equal Rights –
They will not retreat.
How could they, when their other choice is assured defeat?
So the culture war that he strokes
Becomes a civil war by force.
Justifying his use of power and take-over.
His law and order message stays its course.
Supposedly draining the swamp – the Republicans and Trump.
Not to trust the Government, so he justifies replacements,
Which have been the Wall-Street types.
The same that was used to criticize as being on Clinton’s side.
But because Trump says it’s a go.
Republicans are led to make it so.
Politicians were known to have a degree of dishonesty.
But not to the extent that we now see.
With Trump and his supporters,
norms, rules and morality no longer matter.
So they take free rein.
And with their greed for power
There is no restrain
Even more emboldened and empowered.
Career workers who served under both Party Presidents.
Took pride in how they run their departments.
Regardless of politics, staying independent.
Aiming for neutral, which for citizens is crucial.
Until Trump’s meddling and influence.
It has been very conspicuous.
He’s succeeded to confuse.
And now they are less valued.
From the start, Trump attacked the Media.
Undermining their worth and credibility – It’s been tedious.
Now they are no longer believed to be reliable
They too have become less desirable.
The voting system, for the most part was not broken.
Until Trump’s influence and that of Putin.
There was already meddling for a Republican tilt.
With Trump’s hand, the power has made an All-Right shift.
And despite his criticism of the voting systems.
For the last four years he did nothing to redeem them.
So either he has failed in his duties.
Or he’s again confusing.
Then he can manipulate for an outcome that brings him positive gain.
So for another, there is the seed of mistrust.
Which before Trump was mostly seen as fair and just.
The Supreme Court too is no longer just.
It’s being stacked unfairly and does not represent US.
Supporting a powerful minority,
Ignoring the wishes and needs of the majority.
The character of some of those Justices are already in question.
The right action from them would be to not accept Trump’s appointment.
If they were truly fair or just,
They would have stood up against Trump.
Since the appointment was stalled by the Republicans
For about fourteen months.
President Obama even tried to play fair.
But the Republicans made sure his nomination would go nowhere.
Even though his pick was to the middle and not to the left.
Republicans did not concede; they went for the theft.
So under Trump, government and institutions are becoming useless.
Yet they are still supported at taxpayers’ expense.
What was there to inform and protect the Nation is now subject to Trump’s agenda.
Therefore we are at the “mercy” and impulsivity of Trump,
monopoly of information and decisions to come.
People don’t realize the strength of Trump’s influence.
Combined that with manipulation and interference.
He’s breaking down how America was meant to be.
He’s re-branding and placing his name for all to see.
He’s uses his corrupt ways and skills like a super power.
Meticulously building himself another tower.