Trump has a way of pulling people in.
After they step back they realize their sin.
But by that time, the damage is already done.
One more jewel for him as he builds his crown.
Getting through the moment has been his way.
Anything goes, he does what it takes.
As long as he can get what he sees as a win.
Never mind consequence, and there is no shaming him.
Trump has been associated with the term gas-lighting:
a form of psychological manipulation.
An attempt at brain washing, often used by abusers,
narcissists, dictators and cult leaders.
It’s a cruel psychological tool.
That aims to control and rule.
In comes the lies, and even with proof – denial.
Meticulous and overwhelming,
Everything becomes confusing.
It wears you down.
You lose sight of the norm.
You can’t tell which way is up.
All systems – they disrupt and corrupt.
Attack who you are and what’s dear to you.
You may no longer feel you are of value.
Sometimes you question your sanity too.
Every now and then they give praise or behave.
Then you think of them as positive.
What they do, doesn’t match what they say.
They attempt to keep much disarray.
When you look for stability.
They are there to provide tranquility.
At least to your mind you get some emotional relief.
Even if it’s temporary.
They often look to blame others and provide many distractions.
Your focus is often not on their doing.
Your check is on others who they label as cruel.
They identify those who will remain loyal.
Who will subscribe to what they want to do.
Discredit all others with negative portrayal.
Soon they become the only voice you listen to.
You repeat what they say.
You follow their way.
And as you question reality –
It’s easy to feed you what they want you to see.
You then fight their fight.
You succumb – as you’re under their thumb.
Their right becomes yours.
You are then under their control.
It’s no longer your heart, your mind or your soul.
All the signs are there.
With Trump’s words and deeds.
It’s blatant, it’s clear –
How would you proceed?