The Covid-19 Carnage

Why would anyone think Trump is good for business?
He doesn’t have a plan to get US beyond Covid.
Other than pretending it’s not there.
As if staying silent would have it disappear.

Many are for the Economy opening.
As they are concerned about their financial ruin.
But there are those who are fighting for their physical survival.
So they can’t think beyond this trial.
Being vulnerable, there is a wall against their back.
Because the virus, they may easily contract.
They therefore are limited with their choice.
Needing to lock down and stay in their house.

Some don’t want to take the chance.
Not being sure how their body will react.
There are those who had mild to no symptoms.
While for others it’s been pure torture.
Many too have symptoms that linger.
Worrying about their health and then having a pre-existing condition.

With a death, it’s not only the concern of an emotional loss.
There may be additional burdens.
A person who works may carry the family’s insurance.
For their dependents they are the bread-winner.
So it’s a chance they may feel they cannot take.
Too much of a sacrifice for them to make.

That differs from those who aren’t as prone or susceptible.
They have more resources and are more flexible.
They can afford to look beyond and are ready to move on.
Encouraging for all restrictions to be gone.

If you have the ability and can go forward.
No need to judge those who stay behind as losers or cowards.
Just count the blessings that were given to you.
At the same time you can show compassion and empathy too.
And it isn’t that people are out to deprive you.
The matter for them is survival too.
When it comes to more infections, sickness and dying.
Those likely to experience that, won’t think wining, dining or buying.

So though many are wanting the very same thing.
We’re all for the economy opening.
Some are just more patient or cautious about death and suffering.
More than 200,000 Americans are dead –
Just let that sink in for a moment.

Often when there is a crisis or a war – people bond together.
With death or destruction – they often help each other.
It hasn’t been that way in this political climate.
As humans we haven’t been at our finest.
Although it’s been US against Covid.
Fighting it together hasn’t been the bid.
How far apart on the spectrum can we be?
While some are dying for bars to open.
Many are still dying from Covid-19.

As the economy opens up.
Many are still left without jobs.
From Covid many didn’t fare well.
But some of those who didn’t lose much, don’t seem to care
That people who were along-side them are no longer there
Whether due to financial loss or death.

We are all for, back to normalcy.
And for getting to where life used to be.
But safety protocols are being ignored
At the expense of lives and livelihoods.
If we can save lives, then we should.
But some still think this is a virus hoax.
Or their aim is to provoke.
Some parents even break the rules.
Sending their Covid positive kids to school.
Others refuse to wear a mask.
Those who do are sometimes attacked.

Trump and his allies seem to think
The more deaths from Covid,
The greater America’s win.
When will they learn – That logic isn’t sound.
And in truth it should be the other way around.

It would be a better scene
If with the openings there was more discipline.
With safety measures in place
So we can contain and contact trace.
If there was not so much resistance.
And disbelief in terms of the virus’ existence.
The way it’s being done.
We have to brace ourselves as more lives will be gone.

To all those who have lost a loved one.
Many are mourning with you and for your loss.
Then there are those who are still struggling
With health problems left by Covid.
May you all somehow find strength and peace.
May your pain and suffering decrease,
to allow you emotional relief.