At times people don’t think to prioritize.
They answer to their gut.
Or what’s placed in front of their face.
Erroneously choosing a loss for their case.
They fail to see what’s more immediate.
And at times when they already have a need they relax and take it for granted.
Despite evidence to show that it’s not a guarantee –
They think – that seed was already planted.
So they go for their goals
And against what they need to secure most.
Or they choose a more superficial cause.
Ignoring the greater good.
Freedom to arm, some more armed than law enforcement.
Wanting to unmask, despite those dying around them.
People have been voting to line their pockets
Ignoring social injustice.
They aim to eliminate Roe v. Wade
When they can vote to equalize the playing field instead.
They give more importance to place a Supreme Court Nominee
Allow rise of Alt-Right Militia and White Supremacy. Less to saving American lives and America’s democracy.
There are strategies to suppress and intimidate.
To limit people from voting for non-republican candidates.
214,000 Covid deaths, and still counting.
No plans or policies so there will be more killings.
Placing bids on Political wins
Over what’s needed to conquer Covid.
Having live rallies to boost Trump’s ego
Takes priority over spreading concerns.
When a spread is not only a blow for health.
It’s tied to a financial downturn as well.
Like Trump, many limit the information they seek.
And what they choose to believe.
Brainwashed by Fox News.
It pretty much seems like psychological abuse.
As they promote fear and untruths.
Leading to decisions that lead to ruin.
It’s to Trump that many have chosen to listen.
Though he has proven himself as an unreliable source.
But people have for whatever reason
Invested in him as a cause.
Yet he shouldn’t be the priority.
The focus should be on the American People.
Politics isn’t about what the People can give to a President.
It’s not for the People or the Nation to fit his Agenda.
He needs to serve, plan and project.
He doesn’t have to be perfect.
But he does need to care beyond himself.
And extend his reach beyond his base as well.
America may have had a chance to stay great.
If voters and Trump had the priorities straight.