We’re in Trump’s Country

He rules by tweets and Executive Orders.
Shows no respect to other branches of Government.
Calls on his white supremacist militia for law and order.
Which is disrespectful to law enforcement.
Yet Trump gets their endorsement.

There is no doubt, the Republicans and Trump are corrupt.
Totally dishonest and cannot be trusted.
They change the rules for their gain.
Change it again to disadvantage the opposition.
Republicans and the American President.
Attacking the voters and the polling systems.
On a quest to deny Americans their vote.
Not hiding anymore, all out in the open.
Who would think in a democratic Republic –
Citizens would be attacked by political representatives!

During Trump’s campaign the focus is on him.
Talking about kissing
Men and women in his company.
What does that have to do with any Presidency?
Socializing and high-fiving,
Having hundreds in a constricted space.
Is this his solution to keeping the virus contained?
Playing Russian roulette with the deadly virus
Using false names and signers
To silently promote herd immunity.
Deception again is the strategy.

Isolation is Trump’s answer to globalization.
Though, in reality, there are less boundaries –
Given the structure of the economy and information technology.
Trump is depending on the strongman stance and the military,
Ignoring and minimizing the power of diplomacy.
The religious hand in hand with politicians.
Siding with their deceptions and deceptive behaviors.
Giving a voice to their lies and propaganda.

Warnings from inside Trump’s Administration and Cabinets.
People resigning and telling of the dangers and the madness.
Americans complaisant and complicit to all of this.
Less humane, less caring to what we’re witnessing.
How can we fall in line with their type of rule?
To the fire they keep adding fuel.

Psychologically, some are able to separate from the abusers
And denounce their deeds.
But others are siding with them as all is happening.
Those who identify with the abusers themselves.
May also be compelled to act like them.
But even worse, they may adopt their words,
And unfortunately, mimic their behavior and personality.
It therefore won’t be surprising if a portion of the population
Become more hardened to those suffering in our Nation.

Trump was handed a great economy.
Now it’s a downturn that we’re seeing.
The economy cannot get back on track
If the citizens are under continued viral attack.
The focus has not been on Government and development.
It’s mainly on Trump and his scandals.

Trump would have US believe
Our present circumstance is because of Obama, Biden and Hillary.
When in truth we are living in Trump’s Country.
He is the one who has had control.
With him and the Republicans in much of the decision roles.
Yet voters still blame the Democrats.
How on earth do they keep doing that?