Trump’s Swamp

Trump said he would drain the Swamp.
But he’s been hand in hand with the Swamp Masters.
Special Interests, Republicans, Wall Street, big Companies.
Extended to include foreign interest and foreign dignitaries.
And if there is benefit to him.
He throws a bone here and there for American citizens.
Keeping them hooked in so they will vote for him again.

Wall Street got what they wanted from Trump –
A chance to make profits and a big tax cut.
He even gave them a heads-up about potential problems with the virus.
They were told the truth.
While Americans were lied to.
Investors knew what to do with their shares.
For the Man on the street there was never a care.

Wall Street, Trump and Republicans have been transactional.
Making decisions based on expected outcomes.
But they keep the voters and citizens restrained.
Hung up on labels and names.
Sometimes not even based on true definitions.
But on propaganda and assumptions.
Democrats are spoken of as communists and socialists.
Republicans are to oppose political correctness.
People don’t think beyond what they are fed.
So they are molded to be builders of Trump’s Swamp instead.

That’s how people are with brand names
Despite evidence that the generic is often the same.
No difference in quality –
Just backed by a Company or a Celebrity.
But People are so influenced by labeling.
Do they pay attention to the definitions?
They see Socialist as a dirty word, something to fear.
Yet they want their Medicaid, Medicare and Adult Day-Care.

So the Swamp is not being drained.
Just re-branded, with a new Name.
Nothing done of substance.
Voters and Citizens are now participants.
By giving Trump a pass and free rein.
He’s building the Swamp to his benefit.
Just as he puts his name on buildings.
He’s doing a Trump brand name re-labeling.
This time to America’s business.