The Emboldened Ones

Hate groups openly marching in Washington D.C.
To protest the dump of their beloved Trump.
What they mean and feel was easily seen.
Reflected in what they spoke and wrote.
A disturbing sign that made Eric Shawn of Fox News wince.
He doesn’t see how they contribute to this?
“Coming for Blacks, Indians. First Welcome to the New World Order”.
Why surprised when these groups were promoted further?
“Arrest Fauci and Gates” – Reversal of all this, may be too late.
Even before, Steve Bannon called for Fauci’s head.
And opposition to Trump have led to firings and death threats.
All of this is real – It’s happening in our “democracy”.
As Trump sits on his throne, cheering them on.

They are no longer Republicans.
The Anti-Democratic Party is what they’ve become.
Just pure, raw, divisive opposition.
Still playing political games.
Focusing on bogus election fraud claims.
The Ones who are crying fraud.
Are the Ones who have been doing wrong.
Attacks on the Election started before Election Day.
Sowing seeds of doubt and hampering the delivery of mail.
It continues now as they try to have mail-in ballots thrown away.
Law suits in five States, not lost, but dropped!
No evidence, no legal standing – just flops.
They couldn’t lie to the judges
Because they knew there will be consequences.
But they openly and shamelessly deceive the American people.
Wayne County, Michigan Board of Elections –
The Republican side refused to certify Biden’s victory of 68%.
And where does Trump attack?
In Black and Brown communities that voted Democrat.
So again disenfranchising those voters.
While feeding conspiracy theories of cheating to his supporters.
And notice when these communities are the ones deciding
The Presidential pick – Like with Obama and Biden.
They are obstructed, sabotaged and delegitimized.
For the minority rule and White Privilege to materialize.
And while they are creating a crisis against democracy
By attacking the Election’s integrity
And silencing the voice of the majority –
Many Republican Leaders who never meant to be their brother’s keepers –
At Federal and State are failing to combat the crisis of Covid-19.
The spread and deaths creating morbid scenes.
Before the holiday season, going in the wrong direction.
Bodies placed in refrigerated trucks in El Paso Texas.
North Dakota records the highest mortality rate in the World.
ICU beds are to capacity, and in some places there is an overflow.
Staffers are getting infected, they are exhausted and frustrated.
And some people as they die, still deny the existence of the virus.
Simple measures to prevent its spread are still being rejected.
While Trump and his minions sit back silently.
Their strategy has been herd immunity.
And while we remain in this hold,
The Republicans and Trump continue to be bold.
Not working on Covid-19 relief or bracing the economy.
But creating more instability.
Hammering away at democracy.
Bombarding every system for votes despite zero to slim.
Giving in to his fancies and whims.
Displaying dangerous behaviors during the transition.
Not attending to the crucial and critical.
Trump and Republicans remain partisan.

Since the Election, Trump has been missing in action.
Surfacing once to erroneously say the vaccine is to his credit.
Not governing but attacking the integrity of government.
Placing conservative appointments wherever he can.
Changing the power structure throughout the land.
Some of these may be suspect.
With his type of choice
It won’t be surprising if these placements are corrupt.

It’s difficult to wrap around –
The rejection of an erroneously Socialist Government.
But embracing a wannabe monarchy.
A strongman, authoritarian, dictator type commander.
Surrounding himself with yes-men who pander.
Those who voted for Trump and Republicans
Have strengthened and emboldened them.
Now they openly stomp on democracy’s head.

Voters are to shoulder blame.
They should have seen this coming.
But sadly many are okay.
Finding none of this appalling.

Experts are out there pleading.
Many people still are not listening.
Medical, Economical, Political, Psychological –
They are all entwined.
But from the Right, they are propelling US at sling shot speed.
While from the harness and seatbelts –
They are protesting to be freed.

It’s already been said – many, literally will be dead.
And if the Right are not tired of the fight.
If their souls don’t reject the chaos and divide.
If we keep on this type of ride –
How will America(ns) and democracy survive?