You may be more racist than you think

When the light of injustice is on others –
Like it’s been on People of Color.
You don’t care and pay no attention.
Then you choose to put the view on you
And as you do, you disregard their truth.

That’s why many Americans have failed to see
That systemic racism exists in this Country.
Often it’s because they go by their feel.
And not focus on what is real.
They also look through their own lens.
Not from the view of the victims.

A racist believes that his or her race is superior.
Doesn’t care about injustice to others who are seen as inferior.
Some people think if they have friends who look different.
And may even consider dating them.
Then they can’t be judged as racist.
That they aren’t one of those who contribute to racism.

In defining a Racist – “Yes” is an absolute for some.
Openly displayed by their words and actions.
But when it comes to “not” – that part is on a continuum.
For most, it’s not a cold no.
It’s how much you contribute or show
As well as tolerate and promote.

Racism exists, and rejecting that fact contributes to its promotion.
It often results in the victims being attacked.
With their pleas and messages being eroded.
Black Lives Matter was formed to protest inequality and injustice.
All Lives Matter was brought to water it down.
Aiming to destroy their image and message.
Furthermore Trump painted BLM as violent.
Trying to get others to view them as frightening.
Doing the same by blaming Antifa
When the terrorist label was given to his Alt-right Militia.
And he re-branded the message to demand Law and Order –
Not from the Police, but from the Ones who end up deceased.
It’s ironic, that it was People of Color who made the first call
For Law Enforcement to show order and equality to all
When enforcing the law.
To respect and not contribute to their death.
And if that message was acknowledged,
Black lives will not so easily be demolished.
And then there wouldn’t have been a need
For BLM to protest in the streets.
If the Law and Order that Trump calls for was applied to all
Then in Society, Law and Order would naturally ensue and stand tall.
There would not have been a need for BLM to take root.
Their kind of message would be mute.

For generations African Americans have been left behind.
And many Americans don’t give a damn.
But when the White and Privileged speak
The entire Country must listen.
The White and Privileged cried out when
They thought disadvantages were reaching them.
They’ve been demanding –
Pushing themselves to the front of the line.
Like a White man’s tweet which reflected his belief
Of reversed discrimination.
Stating he could be denied position or occupation
Due to hiring practices set under Affirmative Action.
Which was put in place because of discrepancies.
As historically People of Color have not received
Equal advancements and opportunities.
This continues currently in many areas of our Society.
But people still refuse to believe their existence.
And now that there is anxiety about perceived shifts
With the power of their White and Privileged status.
They displace their hate and attack who they think
Have been getting the benefits and advantage.
But like Dave Chappelle said –
For many years People of Color have not been hating
The Ones profiting from and holding the power.
Instead, they’ve been hating the feelings that come
When they experience the injustices and oppressions.
And that is the difference in how those
Who now feel left behind are handling their grievances.
They react with attacks and place blame on Blacks.
They even state – it’s the fault of the people under assault.
They are the ones in the wrong.
And that’s how and why some of the racist actions continue on.

So Elijah McClain should not have been walking in the street.
And he was the cause of someone’s perception that he “looked sketchy”.
Breanna Taylor should not have been sleeping in her bed.
And for allegedly passing a bad check –
George Floyd deserved to die from a knee on his neck
That slowly deprived him of oxygen.
Will the White and Privileged accept if this happened to them?

So despite the overwhelming evidence
Throughout the various systems
That there is disadvantage to People of Color
Showing they are more likely to suffer.
Americans keep stacking the deck against them.
They have been promoting it too
By voting the Republicans and Trump through –
More and more in the open about their devotion
To disenfranchise those in the Black and poor communities.
These types of politicians have been given total immunity.
Ironically, to the lot of them, the White Privileged status applies.
As Americans continue to stand by, deny and turn a blind eye.
But by doing so, they participate
Adding to the demise and promoting the hate.
Isn’t that how racism goes?
Suppress and target a group seen as inferior to advance your own?
How much of that kind of behavior do you contribute?
On what part of the Racist continuum are you?