Politicians aren’t perfect, but neither are we.
We now judge them by what they give us and by what we want to see.
Not from their knowledge and judgment about what’s best for the Country.
We make them the enemy when we disagree with their decision.
Even when they act in good faith and with precision.
Like teenagers who think they know better than their parents.
But are limited by their development as adolescence.
Or as laypersons who figure they are more equipped than experts.
Dismissing experience and the value of career public servants.
So we go for the outsider who we think will be better.
But we overlook his character and accept whatever.
As if we would hire a celebrity doctor to perform our surgery.
Accept if he uses hyperbole and acts like a bully.
That’s what Americans did when they voted Trump in.
The one with no scruples or integrity as head of the Country.
Going forward, how will we rate our public servants and Presidents?
Value their skill at entertainment and gauge what we think we can get.
Ignore their character and intent.
No longer hold them to task.
Allowing them to hide behind masks of normalcy.
Even when they do abnormal and crazy.
Stay in step with leaders who stop leading.
Alongside them with their cheating, impeding and deceiving.
Have them use their pulpit to air gripes.
And in their role concede to tribal.
As Citizens, will we continue to accept –
Attacks to US from lawmakers, politicians and law enforcement?
Endure physical killings, and that of our spirits.
Get used to death threats if we disagree with entities of the Government.
Will we not care when checks and balances are knocked down?
Allow above-the-law to stick around.
Permit direct monetary gain from being in the Presidential position.
As Trump and the RNC have been using campaign funds –
$300,000 used to buy the book of Trump’s eldest son.
Actively soliciting donations for use after he leaves office.
No limit to amoral, unethical and lawless.
Will we not feel pressed –
To hold officials to their word when they declare a process?
Like when Obama was denied a Supreme Court judge nomination.
Republicans’ excuse – it was the year of an Election.
Hold them to their word is what they said
If lies were to kill, they would all be dead.
As they confirmed RBG’s replacement
About a week before the actual Election Day.
Americans said that was okay as they allowed McConnell to stay.
Will we expect, that judges throughout will no longer be fair?
That promotion of certain ideology and religious doctrine
Are why they are placed there.
And have them not care how their rulings translate.
How people’s lives are affected.
Will we agree for the Federal Government to bully States?
Assist or harm based on perceived affiliation and hate.
Keep them divided as Red or Blue?
When a unified and comprehensive intervention is what should be issued.
Trump’s behavior and attitude reflects a dereliction of duty.
Another example of his tendency toward cruelty.
Since the Election, as President, he’s been missing in action.
Doing what he needs for his satisfaction.
His energies are now to convince that the Elections were rigged.
That there is deep state within the government and judicial systems.
Even with his own hand selected appointments.
Sowing doubt and publicly labeling them as disappointments.
While the Country is in a medical crisis.
As a leader he turns a blind eye to it.
People suffering economic woes.
When relief will come, nobody knows.
Coequal – the present government and some Americans.
Watering down what made America strong.
Not caring when people are suffering.
Selling out democracy for power and money.
Harming citizens, even children to promote religion and ideology.
Putting personal before society.
Granting themselves immunity.
Not acknowledging the many wrongs.
Self-placement on the pedestal.
How long will this go on?
It seems – so many parallels.
Among Republicans, Him and them.
Will this ever come to an end?