There are people who claim they are forgotten or left behind.
They feel looked down upon by the Left and the Elite.
Who they brand as unkind.
They feel insulted and diminished.
But for themselves, they do not censor or set limits.
They too attack and with force, they stubbornly stay their course.
Aren’t they some of the same who embraced the birther claims?
Those who reject the ACA that the Obama Administration gave?
Despite their need, they reject it because of his name.
Falling for the Republican leaders’ sinister game.
The racist seed to which this group readily agree.
Then seeing Trump as the chosen one.
Not calling him out for the wrong he’s done.
Even praising his business sense
When in truth he did nothing substantial to help them.
Yes the stock market has been doing well.
But this group doesn’t benefit or belong to the top one percent.
While Democrats rule for outcome and need.
The Republicans stay glued to Party and ideology.
The voices of the leaders and voters on the Left
Have aligned with truth, facts and science.
On the Right they have been tribal, sticking with alliance.
They are called out based on their statements and actions.
But to the Left it has been assumptions, accusations and projections.
And even when the spotlight is on the truth
This forgotten group refuse to keep the truth in focus.
Instead they go for the distractions.
Trump has been effective with his misdirection.
Then they say they don’t know who to trust.
Placing blame on the politicians, leaders and the media.
And, as if addicted to the vindictiveness, bullying and chaos.
They become enablers of the dysfunctional system.
Which they say they disagree with or go against.
But then they engage with words and deeds that consent.
And they show their face to embrace
The one who baits them into rabbit holes.
Easy to mold, not realizing when they are being controlled.
Willing to do and act how they are told.
Ignoring truth and the advice of experts.
Following the Man who does not see their worth.
Laughing with him when he aims insults at them.
They hear, but do not truly listen.
This has been their continued course.
What they have chosen to reinforce.
They can’t be helped, when they view the help as threat.
When those trying to do outreach, are seen as the enemy.
You can bring a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink.
You can’t save a drowning man when he rejects the line you give him.
Until they can accept the help offered by those they choose to condemn.
They will continue to be the main contributors to their own problems.