The State of Our Union

Republicans call to heal and for Unity.
With who?
Those who cheat, and lie about the steal?
Those working to cancel democracy?
Those whose basis of complaint is hate?
They who have no remorse or shame –
Still continuing with their nefarious ways?
Can you truly unite with people –
Who separate themselves from truth?
And align themselves with cruel?

Graham and others not wanting to hold Trump accountable.
For nothing, has Trump ever been responsible.
Stating that impeachment can lead to more division and violence.
Where were they to prevent such happenings –
Before the insurgency?
What about their silence from before,
When there were so many wrong deeds?
Now America must succumb to the threats from terrorists?
Let them go underground for now, then rebuild and persist?

Some say America’s democracy was in the balance on January 6th.
But the truth is, it was happening before.
When America allowed Trump to enter her Presidential doors.
From his Inauguration speech, there was no outreach.
Never to soothe or bring unity.
Instead to voice grievances and gripes.
To knock others down and divide.
Republicans since then, made no steps to amend.
And to Trump, not to publicly criticize
But to cuddly and support his lies,
Even if it was with their silence.
And he was often excused, then let loose.
Their pattern still ensue.

Democrats are criticized for not focusing on
The virus, vaccine or the economy.
But instead, pushing for impeach.
Yet Republicans and Trump since the election
Have been working on stop the steal.
Such hypocrisy – They doing nil while still having the lead.
Skating over their responsibility
Not holding their own to accountability.
Pence and the Cabinet – not wanting to implement
The 25th Amendment.
Republicans voting a certain way –
For personal or political gain.
Thinking to protect themselves and their family.
Letting terrorists take over the Country.
And their continuance to not admit to the Big Lie
Will have greater consequence –
Fuel for more political violence.

To defend their grievance of no Trump impeach,
Republicans were referencing outside and independent entities,
Like celebrities.
Tying Democrats to aspects of the culture war.
Which is not related to the Democratic Party cause.
And Republican lawmakers continued unkind in general.
As they referred to their colleagues as radical liberals.
And to all the sins they throw on the Left
They make as if Democratic leaders are at the head.

Republicans act as if Unity is a one-way street.
No responsibility to them, has been their belief.
Or their definition it seems –
There can’t be Unity, when with them, Democrats fail to agree.
If America is to truly unite
Then the Right has to stop their fight
Against truth and non-White voters.
Stop using fear and slander as their promoters.
Their leaders have to unite with values, norms and rules.
Stop using divide as one of their political tools.
Stop the spread of overthrow and everything goes.
If America has to heal –
Republicans have to admit there was no steal.
That it was a legitimate win for the Biden-Harris team.

And for a wound to heal, it has to be cleaned.
Or it will easily be re-infected.
So lying and devious behaviors have to be rejected.
The stealing, suppressing, cheating, conspiring has to stop.
And those who participate in those should be dropped.
Because if they keep attacking the wound.
Healing will be doomed.
If you keep surrounding yourself with those who want to hurt.
Your energy will be on protecting yourself
When you should be focusing on mend.
And Republicans have to stop trying to unmask those
Who are protecting themselves and those around them.
They should work to unmask the wolves in sheep clothing.
To these issues we have to be un-yielding.
Then we are on the side on Unity and Healing.

If Trump, Republicans, injustice are made to soar.
Unity, at any rate, will close her doors.
And if Republicans’ strategy continues to be –
Keeping Trump within arm’s reach
Republicans should not be allowed to score.
And they should not be able to use Unity as a crutch anymore.